No Cardio Equipment? No Problem.

When there are times you are doing your workouts at home and don’t have a piece of cardio equipment to do your warm up or intervals here is what you can do: 10 jump squats 10 jumping jacks 25 mountain climbers 10 push ups 10 rapid squats Where it may say...

Ripped Lower Body Circuit

Warm-Up – 5 Min Incline Treadmill Circuit 1 (2x) Squat 10x Reverse Lunge 10x Plie Squat 10x Forward Lunge 10x Calf Raise 20x Circuit 2 (2x) Squat 20x Plie Squat 20x Squat Hold 20sec Rest 1 Min Cool Down – 5 Min Incline...

Lower Body Home 2

Warm-up: 5 Minutes Cardio – If you have bands or weights feel free to add them to these exercises. Set 1–3x Squat with alternating toe touch 3×10 each side Push Ups 10x Set 2–3x Stationary Lunges 20x each side Calf Raises 20x Set 3–3x Step Ups (use a coffee...

Lower Body Circuit

Walking Incline Walking Standing Calf Raises Squats Bicycle Alternating Lunges Plie Squat Plank Wall Sit Leaning Leg Pulse Pelvic Lift Incline Walking Walking 5 Min Warm-up 10 Min (70%) 30 Reps 15 Reps 20 Reps Each Leg 15 Reps Each Leg 15 Reps 30 Sec 30 Sec 10 Reps...

Incline Walking Interval Lower Body

Exercise Walking Squats Standing Calf Raises Bicycle Incline Walking Alternating Lunges Plie Squat Plank Incline Walking Wall Sit Leaning Leg Pulse Pelvic Lift Incline Walking Walking 5 Min Warm-up 10 Reps 25 Reps 15 Reps Each Leg 5 Min (70%) 10 Reps Each Leg 10 Reps...

Elliptical Interval Lower Body

Exercise Elliptical 5 Min Warm-up Squats 8 Reps Standing Calf Raises 20 Reps Bicycle 10 Reps Each Leg Elliptical 5 Min (70%) Stationary Lunges 8 Reps Each Leg Plie Squat 8 Reps SB Ab Hold 30 Sec Elliptical 5 Min (70%) Wall Sit 20 Sec Leaning Leg Pulse 10 Reps Each Leg...

Lower Body Burnout

Set 1: x2 No Breaks 12 Jump Squats 12 Squats 30 Sec Squat Hold Break – 2 Min Set 2: x2 No Breaks 12 Alternating Lunges 12 Speed Skaters 5 Jump Switch Lunges (each side)

Bikini Booty

Warm Up – 5 Min Cardio (Incline Walking if Possible) Set 1 (2x): Walking Lunges                        15x (each side) Elbow to Opposite Knee            15x (each side) Rapid Squats                        20x Speed Skaters                        5x (each side) Cardio...

At Home Lower Body Workout

At Home Lower Body Workout Warm-up: 5 Minutes Cardio – If you have no cardio try (5 burpees, 5 pushups, 5 v-ups – repeat 3x). If you have bands or weights feel free to add them to these exercises. Set 1–3x Squat with alternating toe touch 3×10 each side Burpees...