The Ultimate Boob, Booty & Bump Butter

The Ultimate Boob, Booty & Bump Butter

My Ultimate Boob, Booty & Bump Butter recipe is an all natural, super hydrating, healing and protective recipe that has amazing benefits. It helps to heal your skin, prevents and fades stretch marks and makes your skin luminous, soft and smooth. This is my...
Blueberry Beet Booster – Energy Smoothie

Blueberry Beet Booster – Energy Smoothie

If you may have noticed the last couple weeks I have been heavy on the smoothies. This is due to me tightening up my summer habits and focusing on my Fall goals. I am firmly on the Bikini Body Program all the time as a way of life but in the summer I find that more...

No Cardio Equipment? No Problem.

When there are times you are doing your workouts at home and don’t have a piece of cardio equipment to do your warm up or intervals here is what you can do: 10 jump squats 10 jumping jacks 25 mountain climbers 10 push ups 10 rapid squats Where it may say...

Ripped Upper Body Circuit

Warm-Up – 5 Min Incline Treadmill Circuit 1 (3x) Push – Ups 10x Shoulder Press on Ball 10x Tricep Dips 10x Chest Press on Ball 10x Front/Side Shoulder Raise 10x each way Tricep Kickbacks 10x Circuit 2 (3x) Bicep Curl 10x Bent Over Row 10x Hammer Curl 10x 1Arm Row 10x...

Home Upper Body 2

Warm-up: 5 Minutes Cardio Core 3x Exercise Ball Crunches 10x Plank 20 sec Push-ups 8x Reverse Curl Toe Touch 20x Bicycle 20x V-Ups 10x Upper Body 3x – using bands if necessary. 2 Way Shoulder 15x each (raise to front and side) 1A Row 15x 21 Bicep Curls Bench Dips 20x...

Upper Body Burn

Exercise Walking Incline Walking SB DB Bench Press SB DB Shoulder Press SB Russian Twist Bicep Curls Bent-Over Rows Halo Over Head Tricep Press Alt Shoulder Raises Half Moons Incline Walking Walking 5 Min Warm-up 10 Min (70%) 20 Reps 20 Reps 20 Reps 20 Reps 20 Reps 10...

Lean Out Circuit (Upper Body)

Exercise Walking SB DB Shoulder Press Bicep Curls SB DB Bench Press Bent-Over Rows Squats Over Head Tricep Press Alternating Lunges Dumbbell Pullover Plank SB Russian Twist Walking 5 Min Warm-up 2 Sets of 12 Reps 2 Sets of 12 Reps 2 Sets of 12 Reps 2 Sets of 12 Reps 2...

Band Workout

5 min warm up – walking/jogging Set – 20 shoulder press – 20 bicep curl – 15 tricep dips – 20 pushups – 20 overhead tricep extension – 20 upright row – wrap band around leg of bed – 20 squat press – air squat followed by...

Elliptical Interval Upper Body

Exercise Elliptical 5 Min Warm-up SB DB Shoulder Press 12 Reps SB DB Bench Press 12 Reps SB Russian Twist 20 Reps Elliptical 5 Min (70%) Bicep Curls 12 Reps Bent-Over Rows 12 Reps Halo 10 Each Way Elliptical 5 Min (70%) DB Tricep Kick-Backs 12 Reps Alt Shoulder Raises...

Upper Body Burnout

15 Pushups 20 Tricep Dips 21’s with Bands 20 Shoulder Press 20 Alternating Front/Side Raise 20 Seated Row 20 Bent-Over Row (x2 NO BREAKS)