DAMY Lifestyle Membership

Welcome back to the DAMY Team!


Your Workouts

Your workouts can be found here:
There are three different levels to choose from. Make sure to pick a challenging level!

Your Nutrition Plan

If you are wondering about your nutrition protocol email Amy at: amylayne@damyhealth.com. Here we will discuss your next set of goals

We are here to support you through your health/wellness/weight loss journey! Your check-in and questions email address will be:


Please add our DAMY Health Page on Facebook and follow us on Twitter @damyhealth to get all our updates.

By now you should have your username and password to access our private membership site. This site will be updated continually so please check back often! If there is anything you would like to see added to the private site please let us know. To get started click here: DAMY Members and sign in. From there feel free to explore our many different categories!

If have any questions, are having trouble logging in to our private site, or are not receiving our daily emails please contact us at:



Your DAMY Health Access:

You will have access to the private membership site, will receive daily emails,  will complete weekly check-ins, and have email access to your Coach Amy as long as you are a DAMY Health Member. If you are looking to increase your success or have a more detailed or customized program check out one of our signature programs such as the ALP Program, DAMY Method, or Bikini Body Program.

Your Program Details:

The DAMY Lifestyle Program is a monthly program at an extremely discounted rate. With this program you receive DAMY eating guidelines, recommended exercise routines, unlimited access to the private site, and unlimited access to a private email to answer any questions or to make any changes to your game plan. This program is for everyone! From the beginner to the individual that is on a weight-loss/healthy lifestyle journey that needs a boost and/or support. At this extremely low rate you have access to a holistic nutritionist and personal trainer that will give you advice in any of the areas you desire. On this program you have a personal nutritionist that you can access at any time. No appointment necessary. Don’t know what to have for supper? Email me! Can’t lose those last 10 lbs? Email me! Worried about your vacation workouts? Email me and I will send you a game plan! At this special rate you can’t afford not to take advantage of the NEW Program!

• DAMY Meal Guidelines
• New Monthly Workouts on the Private Site
• Skin Care and Hair Advice
• Full Lifestyle Guide!
• Weekly Email Check-Ins
• Daily Inspirational Emails!
• Tips, Tricks, and Inside Info
• Unlimited Email Access to DAMY Health
• Full Grocery List
• Nutrition Label and Shopping Education
• Unlimited Support and Motivation!
• Discounts on other DAMY Programs
• DAMY Recipes
• Progress Chart to track your success
• Motivational Quotes
• Access to the DAMY Private Site
• DAMY Journal to keep you on point!
• Be Part of the DAMY Team!

*Our privacy policy is strictly enforced. Please review it at your earliest convenience.