Can we talk about being mean on the internet for a minute?

Can we all acknowledge that it is insane and has no upside?

I find the the most insane mean behaviour comes up around really uncontroversial things. Like, what I eat for lunch or my use of the word “diet”.

I have been yelled at through keyboards about being vegan and I have been yelled at by vegans for not being vegan enough.

Being yelled at to change….doesn’t work. Look into it.

Being an example of what has worked for me in my life is my goal. I do my best to avoid preaching (another thing that just doesn’t inspire true change) and I share my journey as honestly as possible. I have messed up and slipped plenty in my life. I try to share it all.

I also honour other’s journeys and remember we are all at different points in our lives. I consistently practice compassion for others.

If my journey vibes with you…cool.
If my journey isn’t for you…cool.

If my journey makes you mad….that is on you and has nothing to do with me.

Amy Layne on Mean Vegans
Being mean on the Internet is lame.

It doesn’t matter if you are a meat eater or vegan.

Mean is mean.

Check why I believe that “being a mean vegan” is just plain crazy.

Listen now to this episode of Healthy Rebel Radio.
Ego Traps

Amy Layne is the Co-Founder of DAMY Health Online & The Healthy Rebel App. Here at DAMY she is our Head Coach Specializing in Holistic Nutrition, Secretly Healthy Recipe Creation, Fitness, Self-Love, Inspiration and Living Your Best Life. She is the creator of the world famous DAMY Method and Bikini Body Programs. To see Amy’s Before and After Photos and DAMY Member Success Stories Click Here. For Amy’s complete story go

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