The Ultimate Sexy-Healthy-Fit Challenge

Summer is officially over and with the fresh season comes fresh goals, energy and focus. This has us excited here at DAMY!

Now is the perfect time to go after your goals you have been putting off. If you want to look and feel your very best in time for the Holiday Season now is the time to start (Cringe—don’t stress…stick with me. I’m setting you up for success, not stress).

Four months is plenty of time to create real change and experience a lasting body and lifestyle transformation. This is about getting out in front of yourself right now and leading yourself to an exciting future. This is preventing putting it off too long where you may attempt drastic measures that don’t work or last and may cause harm. This is not a fad diet.

This is a real lifestyle transformation with expert support and guidance.

This year we want to add more excitement and incentive to create your healthiest, most vibrant self yet by introducing the Best Body Ever Challenge – FALL 2015 Edition.

The prizes are bigger and the member’s only resources are amplified. With our last BBEC challenge we saw thousands of physical, mental and emotional transformations. On top of women feeling empowered and fit we gave away awesome cash prizes for doing so at the time of year when a little extra cash goes a long way. This made my heart feel so good!

I’m ready to take on the challenge of the extra volume of members one more time.

It is about more than weight Loss (Weight loss is the side effect)

This Best Body Ever Challenge is taking place at the perfect time to create wonderful changes for the holiday season and the start of 2016.

DAMY Health Online Programs are unique in that we deal with the real underlying thought patterns and recurring surface blocks that prevent us from reaching our highest goals. The Best Body Ever Challenge is the ultimate opportunity to release those blocks once and for all.

Along with your nutrition program, fitness program and lifestyle package you will learn: 

  • How to break emotional eating patterns
  • How to overcome weight loss plateaus
  • How to incorporate natural foods into a busy lifestyle
  • How to lose water weight and eliminate bloating
  • How to workout smarter not harder
  • How to banish those last 5lbs
  • How to live a healthy lifestyle without dieting
  • How to end yo-yo dieting
  • What foods to avoid when experiencing sensitivities

During the BBEC Challenge you will be receiving all the best information about the above and more via my member’s only daily emails, articles, private site resources, DAMY Member Radio and our one-on-one check-in emails.

My transformation and life coaching comes from a rich mixture of personal life experiences, personal transformation, broad education and from personally coaching thousands of women from all over the world.

I have a deep passion for guiding those to their goals in the quickest, healthiest, safest way possible. Your success is my success and I am so looking forward to all your little and big successes along this journey.

Read below to see the full details of the Best Body Ever Challenge – FALL 2015 Edition.


Here is it: Complete and enjoy your DAMY Health Online Program. Send in your before and afters and forms listed below. Have a great time reaching your goals and enjoy fantastic results.

We will take all who complete the above and enter you into a random name generator to pick the winners. You will be emailed if you are the winner with your incredible prizes.

That simple.

This year we are excited to announce some amazing prizes. See below the details of each prize. NOTE: The first name drawn will win 1st, second will win 2nd and third will win 3rd.


  • $100 Cash
  • 1 Hour Skype Consult with Dr. David Duizer ND (Value – $175)
  • 1 Year DAMY Lifestyle Membership(Value – $160)
  • Full Supplement Review (Value – $50)


  • $75 Cash
  • 30 Minute Skype Consult with Dr. David Duizer ND (Value – $90)
  • 1 Year DAMY Lifestyle Membership(Value – $160)
  • Full Supplement Review (Value – $50)


  • $50 Cash
  • 1 Year DAMY Lifestyle Membership(Value – $160)
  • Full Supplement Review (Value – $50)

Here’s what you need to know:

Best Body Ever Challenge – FALL 2015 Edition Details

Everyone on DAMY Health Programs has different goals. Some are getting ready for a Bikini Photo Shoot and some are looking to lose 80lbs. The DAMY Best Body Ever Challenge is about living your best life.

It is about embracing a can-do, self-loving attitude, encouraging others and getting in the best shape you’ve ever been in! I’m talking physically and mentally.


A Message from Coach Amy Layne

There are a few months left of 2015. I have so many people on DAMY Health Online Programs who have big goals for January 1st. Sometimes when looking up the mountain of your goal it can be challenging to stay focused. To solve this problem I am not only giving you my coaching, my best programs, my ridiculously low rates but I am now throwing cold hard cash into the mix! That’s right!

My ultimate goal and passion is to help you look deep down inside and find out what you really want to achieve.

Then, I want to be your guide to make it your reality.

I want you to decide what you’ve always wanted and I want to help you make it happen!

Do you want to feel confident in a bathing suit? Do you want to feel healthy, lean, light and vibrant? Do you want to have abs for the first time? Do you want to look like a fitness model? Do you want to go from a size 12 to a size 6? Do you want to glow from the inside-out? Maybe you want to lose 50 lbs…

Any of these goals are big enough and great enough for this challenge. No two goals are ever the same and they are not treated the same. Not only are you going to get motivated and achieve your best body ever – three of you are going to be winning money to do so!

You can achieve your dream body on the best program in the world and get paid to do it! Welcome to the BEST BODY EVER CHALLENGE.

– Amy Layne

Step 1: Choose Your Program

Wanting and being ready for change is a must for this challenge. The first step is choosing the right program for you. Here are the three main options stripped down and simplified:

  • Bikini Body Program – 5 – 30 lbs to lose
  • DAMY Method Program – 35 – 60+ lbs to lose
  • DAMY Lifestyle Program – All goals for past DAMY Members

Read below for a more detailed breakdown of your program options:

The Bikini Body Program is for you if:Bikini Body Cover Book Large Reduced Size

  • You are looking to take your fitness to the next level
  • You want to lean down to look great in your bikini or slim outfit
  • Your goal is to be tight and tiny
  • You are serious about your fitness goals
  • You are a no-excuse kind of woman
  • You are ready to jump in and commit
  • You can workout 5-6 times per week and give this program your all
  • You are ready to achieve a lean, sexy body
  • You understand that this program is a commitment and is intense
  • For more information about the Bikini Body Program click here.

The DAMY Method could be for you if:DAMY Method

  • You have 30lbs or more to lose
  • Are new to working out or just getting back into it
  • Are looking to start a healthy lifestyle
  • You want to workout 3-5 times per week
  • You want a variety of fitness levels to choose from
  • You are a nursing Mother
  • You want to lose weight but not be overly restricted or regimented
  • For more information about the DAMY Method Program click here.

Step 2: Sign Up HERE

When joining the Best Body Ever Challenge today you also 20% OFF your DAMY Health Online Program PLUS all bonus materials listed below. Remember to use the coupon code: BBEC when checking out to receive your 20% discount.

This code will be available until October 1st only. Make sure to sign up before that date.

Bikini Body Program

(+1 FREE Month of the DAMY Lifestyle Membership – Valid through Jan. 1st, 2016)

  • Regular Price: $98
  • BBEC Discount Price: $78.40

Coupon Code: BBEC

*Simply go to the link below and enter ‘BBEC’ into the ‘coupon code’ area when purchasing.
Buy Now Bikini Body Nov 2014
*Also includes:DAMY eBook Bonus Material

  • Fat Blaster Program FREE
  • DAMY Health Summer Travel Guide FREE
  • 21 Day Vegan Cleanse Challenge FREE
  • DAMY Member Radio Access
  • Member’s Only Forum and Online Resources
  • One-on-One Email Coaching with Amy Layne
  • PLUS – Access to all DAMY eBooks, eCookbooks and Guides (Limited to this offer only)


DAMY Method Program

(+1 FREE Month of the DAMY Lifestyle Membership – Valid through Jan. 1st, 2016)

  • Regular Price: $98
  • BBEC Discount Price: $78.40

Coupon Code: BBEC

*Simply go to the link below and enter ‘BBEC’ into the ‘coupon code’ area when purchasing.
Buy Now DAMY Method Nov 2013
*Also includes:DAMY eBook Bonus Material

  • Fat Blaster Program FREE
  • DAMY Health Summer Travel Guide FREE
  • 21 Day Vegan Cleanse Challenge FREE
  • DAMY Member Radio Access
  • Member’s Only Forum and Online Resources
  • One-on-One Email Coaching with Amy Layne
  • PLUS – Access to all DAMY eBooks, eCookbooks and Guides (Limited to this offer only)


Past or Present DAMY Health Online Member’s Only – DAMY Lifestyle Program

  • Regular Price: $80 (for 6 Months)
  • BBEC Discount Price: $64
  • PLUS – Everything listed above and access to ANY DAMY Health Online Program!

Coupon Code: BBEC

*Simply go to the link below and enter ‘BBEC’ into the ‘coupon code’ area when purchasing.
DAMY Lifestyle Daily Email
*Also includes:DAMY eBook Bonus Material

  • Fat Blaster Program FREE
  • DAMY Health Summer Travel Guide FREE
  • 21 Day Vegan Cleanse Challenge FREE
  • DAMY Member Radio Access
  • Member’s Only Forum and Online Resources
  • One-on-One Email Coaching with Amy Layne
  • PLUS – Access to all DAMY eBooks, eCookbooks and Guides (Limited to this offer only)


Step 3: Read Over Best Body Ever Challenge Details

Who is the DAMY Best Body Ever Challenge open to?

The DAMY Best Body Ever Challenge is open to anyone who has registered for a DAMY Health Online Program on or before October 1st through to January 1st (Program must be valid until January 1st).

You must be a registered program member by October 1st – no exceptions.

You must continue to maintain your membership through to January 1st to be considered for the prizes. If you are currently a program member and wish to participate in the BBEC just ensure that your membership is active through these months. If you have any questions about your membership email us.

No late joining members will be included in the BBEC. All current members will have a chance to join the BBEC on or before October 1st. You will receive an email with an opt-in option on that date.

BBEC Requirements:

  1. Be a DAMY Member of either the Bikini Body Program, DAMY Method Program or DAMY Lifestyle Program through October 1st to January 1st (Everyone joining from September 11th to October 1st will be included).
  2. Submit before photos (by October 15th) and after photos (by January 1st).
  3. Participate in your weekly check-ins (if you are away or miss a week – no stress).
  4. Fill out a BBEC Goals Form committing to yourself and email to me by October 1st.
  5. Complete DAMY Best Body Ever Questionnaire (during the last week of the contest) and have submitted back to DAMY Health via email by December 31st.
  6. Must be a member by October 1st (you can sign up any time and get started – the sooner you start the longer you have to get your results).

NOTE: *Cash prizes will be sent via PayPal.
NOTE: *All documents will be emailed out to you in lots of time for you to fill them out and return them.
NOTE: *Please note All photos and success stories submitted may be used as promotional material.

Bikini Body Program

  • Regular Price: $98
  • BBEC Discount Price: $78.40

Coupon Code: BBEC

*Simply go to the link below and enter ‘BBEC’ into the ‘coupon code’ area when purchasing.
Buy Now Bikini Body Nov 2014
*Also includes:DAMY eBook Bonus Material

  • Fat Blaster Program FREE
  • DAMY Health Summer Travel Guide FREE
  • 21 Day Vegan Cleanse Challenge FREE
  • DAMY Member Radio Access
  • Member’s Only Forum and Online Resources
  • One-on-One Email Coaching with Amy Layne
  • PLUS – Access to all DAMY eBooks, eCookbooks and Guides (Limited to this offer only)


DAMY Method Program

  • Regular Price: $98
  • BBEC Discount Price: $78.40

Coupon Code: BBEC

*Simply go to the link below and enter ‘BBEC’ into the ‘coupon code’ area when purchasing.
Buy Now DAMY Method Nov 2013
*Also includes:DAMY eBook Bonus Material

  • Fat Blaster Program FREE
  • DAMY Health Summer Travel Guide FREE
  • 21 Day Vegan Cleanse Challenge FREE
  • DAMY Member Radio Access
  • Member’s Only Forum and Online Resources
  • One-on-One Email Coaching with Amy Layne
  • PLUS – Access to all DAMY eBooks, eCookbooks and Guides (Limited to this offer only)


Past or Present DAMY Health Online Member’s Only – DAMY Lifestyle Program

  • Regular Price: $80 (for 6 Months)
  • BBEC Discount Price: $64
  • PLUS – Everything listed above and access to ANY DAMY Health Online Program!

Coupon Code: BBEC

*Simply go to the link below and enter ‘BBEC’ into the ‘coupon code’ area when purchasing.
DAMY Lifestyle Daily Email
*Also includes:DAMY eBook Bonus Material

  • Fat Blaster Program FREE
  • DAMY Health Summer Travel Guide FREE
  • 21 Day Vegan Cleanse Challenge FREE
  • DAMY Member Radio Access
  • Member’s Only Forum and Online Resources
  • One-on-One Email Coaching with Amy Layne
  • PLUS – Access to all DAMY eBooks, eCookbooks and Guides (Limited to this offer only)