Welcome to DAMY Health. Your journey to a lean, healthy sustainable lifestyle starts now.

CONFIRM REGISTRATION: Make sure to check your email today to confirm your email address and receive access to our free video series. PS… it might be in your junk or spam box – check there too.

Want to learn more about our approach?

GIFT DETAILS: We have a little something extra for you.

Thank you for watching our bonus video! We hope you love our series – The 3 Keys to Successful Holistic Weight Loss. Check your email and hit the “confirm” link to see KEY #1.

In the meantime you might be ready to jump into your own holistic weight loss program. We are here for you. In fact, if you sign up for the DAMY Lean Program on this page (see below) we have a special gift to support your success.

This gift will accelerate your results. This will allow you to implement the holistic approach to weight loss asap. Let’s review.

DETAILS: Everyone who joins the DAMY Lean Program using either of the links below will receive a free 15 minute consult with our Medical Director, Dr. David Duizer ND. These consults can be via phone, Skype or Google Hangouts.

This is an opportunity for you to begin your holistic approach right away. In this free 15 minute consult you will be able to work through the “blocks” to weight loss that may be restricting your weight loss success. This is your chance to find out what you need to boost your metabolism and achieve the lean body you have been working towards.

After joining via the links below simply follow the guide on your personal account page to book your free 15 minute consult.

We look forward to supporting you along your holistic weight loss journey!


The DAMY Lean


Access to all DAMY resources is included. Commit to healthy weight loss with us.


Hi everyone, We are thrilled you have decided to include us in your journey. You won't regret it.

We are here for you in as much of a capacity as possible (through weekly FB Lives, forum Q&A, private FB group responses) but please make sure to either check with your Dr. (or consult Dr. Duizer personally) before starting any weight loss program, dramatically changing your diet, taking supplements, increasing your exercise intensity, etc. Be safe and if you have been diagnosed with a condition, are medicated or are generally unwell be sure to let your doctor know changes you intend to make to your lifestyle before doing so.

We wish you the absolute best on your journey and look forward to your positive changes with the DAMY Lean.

Official notice:

*The information contained on this Web site has not been evaluated by the FDA or Health Canada. This information is not intended to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent any disease and is provided for educational purposes only. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you have regarding a medical condition, and before undertaking any diet, supplement, exercise or other health program.

Ready to get started?

Join the DAMY Lean today!