Blueberry Beet Booster – Energy Smoothie

Blueberry Beet Booster – Energy Smoothie

If you may have noticed the last couple weeks I have been heavy on the smoothies. This is due to me tightening up my summer habits and focusing on my Fall goals. I am firmly on the Bikini Body Program all the time as a way of life but in the summer I find that more...

Kick up your workouts

If you want to kick your workouts up a notch here is the best way! If you are in great shape and want to give yourself that extra something. This is it!!! When you are doing your weights in-between each set I want you to choose from one of the following: jump squats...

Lean Lady

5 Minute Warm Up: Treadmill Cardio Set: 2 Minutes on Incline 2 Minutes Flat Repeat for 30-40 minutes Functional Set: Squats x10 Bicycle x10 Plie Squats x10 Leg Raises x10 Lunges x10 V-Through x 10 Cool Down: 5 Minutes...

Tank Top Ready

Warm Up: Treadmill Walking 5 Minutes Interval: 5 Min Incline Walk SB DB Bench Press x 15 SB DB Shoulder Press x 15 Bicep Curls x 15 Bent-Over Rows x 15 Over Head Tricep Press x 15 Alt Shoulder Raises x 15 Repeat entire interval (including walk) until 45 minutes is up!...

Waist Whittler

Warm Up: Treadmill Walking 5 Minutes Interval: 5 Min Incline Walk Weighted Squats (hold dumbbells in hands) x 15 Plank 30 seconds Weighted Alternating Lunges x 7 each side Pelvic Lifts x 15 Repeat entire interval (including walk) until 45 minutes is up! Cool Down:...

Upper Body Burn

Exercise Walking Incline Walking SB DB Bench Press SB DB Shoulder Press SB Russian Twist Bicep Curls Bent-Over Rows Halo Over Head Tricep Press Alt Shoulder Raises Half Moons Incline Walking Walking 5 Min Warm-up 10 Min (70%) 20 Reps 20 Reps 20 Reps 20 Reps 20 Reps 10...

Treadmill Layer Shed 1

Using your treadmill or track/outdoors begin with a 5 minute warm up. Do a 1 minute (challenging pace) jog followed by 2 minutes of brisk walking followed by 2 minutes walking at a difficult incline followed by 2 minutes of brisk walking (no incline). Repeat this set...

Lower Body Circuit

Walking Incline Walking Standing Calf Raises Squats Bicycle Alternating Lunges Plie Squat Plank Wall Sit Leaning Leg Pulse Pelvic Lift Incline Walking Walking 5 Min Warm-up 10 Min (70%) 30 Reps 15 Reps 20 Reps Each Leg 15 Reps Each Leg 15 Reps 30 Sec 30 Sec 10 Reps...

Treadmill Fat Burn 2

Warm Up – 3 Min Walk followed by 2 Min Incline Walk Set: Jog – 2 Min Walk – 2 Min – No Incline Walk – 2 Min – Incline 8% or level 8 Repeat (30-40 Minutes)

Treadmill Fat Burn 1

Warm Up – 3 Min Walk followed by 2 Min Incline Walk Set: Jog – 1 Min – No Incline Walk – 1 Min – No Incline Walk – 3 Min – Incline 8% or level 8 Repeat (30-40 Minutes)