Just Do It – How to find discipline and lose weight for good

Just Do It – How to find discipline and lose weight for good

Want to try something exciting? Try to get healthier. Try now. Start today.  In order to start you have to ask yourself the following questions. Be honest and contemplate your responses. Be sure you are being honest. It will help, I promise.  So, lets go.  Just Do It...
How to go low carb – Steps to making any change

How to go low carb – Steps to making any change

To make any big lifestyle changes in this life we have to really want it. Like, I mean, really want it. Making change is hard. Where does that desire and drive come from? Something bigger than ourselves.  For some it is fear of death and for others it is to...
How to start a holistic weight loss program – Beginner Steps

How to start a holistic weight loss program – Beginner Steps

You don’t get used to seeing people suffer. Each person’s experience is unique, as are the outcomes. All anyone can do to help is be an image, a guide and path to positive change and eventually wellness.  Suffering comes from disease and disease usually occurs when we...
How Often Should You Weigh Yourself?

How Often Should You Weigh Yourself?

Whether you hop on the scale daily or haven’t seen a scale since you graduated high school, how often and when to weigh yourself are important parts of any journey towards weight loss. So many of us make the mistake of weighing ourselves at inappropriate times and...
This essential vitamin reduces the risk of breast cancer

This essential vitamin reduces the risk of breast cancer

The most well researched supplement in the past 2-3 years might be vitamin D (and new research shows it may reduce the risk of breast cancer). Testing has become widespread, supplementation is recommended by major governing bodies (including Health Canada!) and has...
Vegan Grilled Cheese Sweet Potato Sandwiches

Vegan Grilled Cheese Sweet Potato Sandwiches

These Vegan Grilled Cheese Sweet Potato Sandwiches are a twist on the classic grilled cheese with a sweet kick. These little sandwiches satisfied my cravings for a greasy delicious grilled cheese sandwich. This recipe is super easy to make, is super filling, has...
Vanilla Watermelon Refresher

Vanilla Watermelon Refresher

This Vanilla Watermelon Refresher recipe is sweet, pretty and refreshing. It also has a protein boost. This recipe is only a couple of ingredients and is perfect for the warm summer months. I find this recipe extremely hydrating and really satisfies my craving for...
All Natural Stretch Mark Healing Body Butter

All Natural Stretch Mark Healing Body Butter

This all natural stretch mark healing body butter is wonderful for stretch mark prevention and fading and it smells like the Starbucks Lemon Loaf! It smells seriously delicious and feels amazing on the skin. It leaves the skin glowing, hydrated, smooth and soft. This...
The Purple Jewel Smoothie

The Purple Jewel Smoothie

The color of this Purple Jewel Smoothie is beautiful, isn’t it? I love the deep rich jewel tones that beets and blueberries give smoothies. This year my focus is about sticking with what works and being firmly rooted in the basics. I hope that you come along...
Energizing Orange & Ginger Smoothie

Energizing Orange & Ginger Smoothie

How is your “day one” of being back in your “normal” routine going? Mine was a bit slow to start but is going well. Remember this week to be kind to yourself. Just take each day one at a time and make loving choices (to read more about how to...