How to go low carb – Steps to making any change

How to go low carb – Steps to making any change

To make any big lifestyle changes in this life we have to really want it. Like, I mean, really want it. Making change is hard. Where does that desire and drive come from? Something bigger than ourselves.  For some it is fear of death and for others it is to...
Vegan Ginger Snap Cookies with Pumpkin Spice Buttercream

Vegan Ginger Snap Cookies with Pumpkin Spice Buttercream

One thing I adore about Fall is the baking. I love taking classic recipes and flavors and putting the gluten free/vegan twist on them. These Vegan Ginger Snap Cookies with Pumpkin Spice Buttercream are delicious. They are a fantastic Fall treat! These cookies and...
Grilled Stuffed Balsamic Portobello Mushrooms

Grilled Stuffed Balsamic Portobello Mushrooms

It’s no secret that I can be heavy handed on the dessert and treat front. This does not mean that I live on desserts and treats. What this usually means is – I either forget to take pictures of our meals or we are too hungry and impatient to set up the...
Mini Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Bars with Peanut Butter Coating

Mini Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Bars with Peanut Butter Coating

Did you miss me? Some of you may have noticed that I was MIA for the last 2 1/2 weeks and I have to admit it was glorious! My husband and I took a trip to surprise my nephews at Disney. It was wonderful to see the magic through their eyes, feel the tropical heat and...
Whipped Cauliflower “Potatoes”

Whipped Cauliflower “Potatoes”

I eat whipped cauliflower potatoes probably 1-2 times per week. I have it with my lunch or supper whenever I am craving the comfort of whipped potatoes. I find them super filling, delicious and easy to make. I often will add cauliflower whipped potatoes to soups to...
Spaghetti Squash Pasta with Roasted Red Pepper Cream

Spaghetti Squash Pasta with Roasted Red Pepper Cream

I’ve currently placed myself on a cleanse. Since the holidays I’ve noticed that wine has crept into my diet more than usual. I want to fix this as soon as possible. I don’t like to use any food or drink more than a balanced amount. So, I am shifting...
Whole Roasted Cauliflower AKA “Vegan Roast Turkey”

Whole Roasted Cauliflower AKA “Vegan Roast Turkey”

During the Holiday Season Jamie Oliver’s Whole Roasted Cauliflower was everywhere on the internet. His recipe sounds really yummy and you can try it here if you wish. I wanted to create a Whole Roasted Cauliflower that reminded me of the flavors of roasted...
Key Lime Cheesecake Lollipops

Key Lime Cheesecake Lollipops

When I was younger cheesecake was my favorite treat of all time. Since excluding dairy from my diet (for reasons you can read here) I still love cheesecake but turn to the raw/vegan variety. I adore raw/vegan cheesecakes and have made so many different varieties. Some...
Cheesy Cauliflower Bread Sticks

Cheesy Cauliflower Bread Sticks

These Cauliflower Bread Sticks are perfect for your cheesy carb cravings. I wanted to make something that gave me the feeling of cheesy bread sticks without the dairy, gluten and that was only made with veggies. I also wanted these to be vegan. In the past I have made...
Baked “Cheesy” Zucchini Sticks

Baked “Cheesy” Zucchini Sticks

I love warm baked veggies in the Fall and Winter. I often enjoy them simply baked at a low temperature for a long time with just a little sea salt and pepper. Once in a while I get a craving for a “deep fried”-type flavored veggies. Now I would never get...