Simple tips for a great night sleep

Simple tips for a great night sleep

If you have ever suffered from insomnia you know the pain and suffering that it takes on the body. The fact is, lack of sleep is bad for your health. It can be extremely hard on quality of life and wellbeing, it makes day to day tasks more difficult and it raises the...
The Effective Natural Cure for Sleepless Nights

The Effective Natural Cure for Sleepless Nights

In my practice I work with people of all age brackets, backgrounds, ethnicities and medical concerns. The most common concern issue I deal with is insomnia, sleep-onset or sleep-maintenance (meaning not being able to fall asleep or stay asleep). Sleepless nights cause...
How I Look Younger Today Than I Did 7 Years Ago

How I Look Younger Today Than I Did 7 Years Ago

Renewing my passport has been a truly eye opening experience. I am aware of how much better my life feels everyday but this was kind of shocking to see. On the left is my picture from 7 years ago. I was 24, miserable, 30 pounds heavier, smoking on the weekends,...
Are You Sleeping Enough?

Are You Sleeping Enough?

Sleep is such an important part of a healthy lifestyle. If you’re eating healthy, exercising, maintaining a balanced life and still have low energy, poor health, and are unhappy you may be lacking quality sleep or simply may not be getting enough sleep. This...