Are you getting enough fiber?
I want to take this chance to share with you exactly what fiber is, why it is important to us and where we can get it!
1) What is fiber?
Fiber is what we call the components of plants that our bodies don’t digest. They simply pass right through us. Along the way they provide us with some great benefits! There are two different types of fiber: soluble and insoluble. Each is very unique. See the chart below to understand the difference between them.
Insoluble Fiber
Where do you find it?
– bran layer of grains
What does it do in our stomachs?
– Doesn’t dissolve in water but it does hold water!
Why is it good for us?
– Helps prevent constipation, hemorrhoids, and diverticulosis (a painful intestinal disease believed to be caused by a low fiber diet)
– keeps bowel movements soft and regular
Soluble Fiber
Where do you find it?
– fruits, vegetables, oats, and beans
What does it do in our stomachs?
– Dissolves in water to become gummy and visous.
Why is it good for us?
– Helps lower total and LDL cholesterol by binding bile acids, which are needed to make cholesterol
– slows digestion and absorption resulting in lower blood sugar levels!
– improves insulin sensitivity
– slower digestion helps to feel full and satisfied from food, which can lead to reduced calorie intake.
2) Why is fiber important?
Fiber has many great benefits including its ability to lower cholesterol! It is great for preventing constipation and hemorrhoids. One excellent benefits is that our bodies take longer to digest fiber than most foods so we feel full longer and in-turn do not eat as much. A diet that is rich in fiber is usually packed with important nutrients such as unsaturated fats, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other plant chemicals.
3) How much should we consume?
20-30 grams per day
4) I’m not taking enough as it is. What do I do to get to where I need to be?
If you are currently not taking in much fiber, increase gradually to avoid stomach distress. Also, be sure to drink plenty of fluids – remember that fiber holds water, and needs an ample supply to “do its magic.”
5) Supplements?
Fiber supplements are not recommended as a substitute for food. Excessive fiber from supplements can result in decreased mineral absorption and many other gastrointestinal disturbances.
Make sure you aregetting enough fiber! If you would like advice on where to get the best sources of fiber just shoot me an email at: