Journaling Will Help You Lose Weight

DAMY Health Plunge Boldly into LifeToday’s task is to start journaling what you eat, how often you drink and which workouts you are doing! I want you to keep track of portions and all! Things can sneak in so easy! We sometimes don’t realize the food that can sneak in here and there. Journaling can hold you accountable when you are at a plateau and can show you what went right when you’ve had success!

Those of you that know me you would probably be aware of the fact that I have always been an avid journal-er. Not in the sense of “dear diary” but more of an outlet to write down daily tasks, my water consumption, my meals and snacks, and energy levels at different points in the day. It is a great tool to keep you honest.

In the beginning stages of DAMY Programs it’s all about getting the right measurements of food, eating at certain times, and learning new exercises… It can be a bit overwhelming. Everyday I have written out my times to eat/drink. After I have that meal I write down what I consumed and check it off. It feels great and I stay accountable to my program.

I also look back on days that I felt satisfied and full of energy and note what I ate, how much water I drank and what exercises made me feel so good. This is a great way to become more in-tune with your body and what it needs to be happy and healthy.

Try it out this week and see what you discover.

Becoming more in-tune with your body

Having a journal also is a great tool to assist you in becoming more in-tune with your body (your specific needs and patterns). You don’t have to spend a lot of money on a journal.

What I choose to do is print off my meal plan for the month, exercise program, and grocery list place them all in a binder with a divider making off my journal section. I just add more loose-leaf as I need it.

If you like the feeling of completing a journal and storing it away then, Dollarama has some great small journals. Remember ladies you are also leaving a legacy (book-deal anyone?).

Benefits of Journaling

There are so many benefits of journaling and by starting today you will see what I mean. Even just by keeping track of your water, meals and exercises you will start to love opening your journal to the next page.

  • Keeps you in-tune with your body
  • Helps you learn the truth about a healthy lifestyle (what works and what doesn’t for you)
  • Keeps you accountable to your weight loss journey
  • Keeps a record of the work you’ve put into the new you

How else can journaling help me?

There is much more to journaling than just keeping track of meals, water and exercise. This is just a starting point for you to become more familiar with your journal and what it means to be healthy. Once you become more comfortable with your daily lifestyle planning and start reaching mini goals (ex. drink 3L of water each day, eat all meals on plan, complete all exercises on plan) your journaling will expand as well.

Journaling can be whatever you make it. There are many different ways of journaling and many different things to journal about. One thing some people do is on the same page they have their water, food and exercise they also journal the other things in life that many be important to them. Here are some examples of what you may want to journal about:

  • Future goals (big ones) – Writing your goals for only you to see will set them in motion.
  • Positive affirmations – Writing what you know to be positive things about yourself feels really great.
  • Feeling-tone for the day – How am I feeling today?
  • Situational circumstances – How has something affected you and what are you going to do to overcome it?
  • Where do I want to grow in my life? – Give yourself the opportunity to be better by challenging yourself!

Your Task for Today

I want you to start writing down your meals, water, and workouts everyday then checking them off when you do them. This can be invigorating! There is nothing better then checking off my daily list! I do this every night before bed (make a list for the morning) then I check them off as I do them!

Setting goals and reaching them is the best feeling! Treat yourself to this daily! If you have a slip up, write down what you are going to do the next day to not let that happen again! What can you improve? Where can you step it up? Keep this ALL POSITIVE! It doesn’t have to be fancy.

You can get a journal at the dollar store, use an old binder, a scratch pad, anything! Simply start setting mini goals for yourself by writing and keeping track of your meals, water and workouts. After a few months take a look back at the healthy lifestyle you have lived. You will be amazed! You are transforming your life… It’s time to keep a record of it!

Reminder: drink 2.5L of water today!

Amy Layne is a Personal Trainer, Holistic Nutritionist and Lifestyle Expert at DAMY Health. She is the creator of the popular DAMY Method Program and world famous Bikini Body Program. To see Amy’s Before and After Photos and DAMY Member Success Stories Click Here.

Connect with Amy on Twitter @damyhealth and on Facebook.

P.S. Did you arrive here via Stumbleupon? This tip is number 12 of a 31 part free email course called 31 Tips to a Healthier You on how to improve your health and jumpstart your weight loss one day at a time. Learn more about it by signing up here.

*Please be sure to consult a physician before embarking on any weight loss program. These tips are meant to be part of a healthy lifestyle and are not in any way meant to cure disease.