Recent News

Sept. 2010:

Welcome to the new month! I love the fresh feeling of September! Everything is getting organized and new goals are being planned. For all our DAMY Health Members what a fabulous feeling knowing that you are way ahead of the game when it comes to the new year! No more “I’ll start January first.” Instead, we are planning…

Healthy holidays and hot new outfits to unveil our dream bodies! Here at DAMY Health we are rolling into the last quarter of the year with a fresh new face. Our new website has many amazing new features. Here you will find all our programs including our new instantly available DAMY Health Method! This program is perfect for anyone who is starting out or is “too busy.” This game plan for success is for everyone!

The DAMY Health ALP Members are our custom program clients. These clients, every month, set new goals and stick to their journey whether it be for more energy, losing excess weight, building their dream bodies or becoming stronger athletes. Each of them are dedicated to themselves and their journey knowing there is no such thing as giving up. I have had many of my ALP Members since the beginning of DAMY Health and have fallen in love with all of them! Their success is my success. The DAMY Health ALP Men’s Program has taken off! The Men of DAMY Health are doing unreal! With their enthusiasm and David’s support these men are reaching their goals in record time. Our popular ‘one-of-a-kind’ ALP Couple’s Program Members have proven to be true rock stars! These clients are individuals that lead busy lives including full-time work and full-time parenting and are changing their lives together. I admire these amazing men and women so much and am just so proud of them!

Our Bikini Body Program Members are nuts! These clients are on a fast-track journey to completely changing their bodies and lifestyle. I say they are nuts because they work harder and dedicate more than the average person. Reading their check-ins and working with them is daily motivation for me!

Our Fat Blaster Members are breaking through plateaus, detoxing, and cleansing their bodies! Excess fat loss is just a bonus to them! They find themselves recharged and re-energized. Most of these clients move on to other DAMY Programs after their three weeks. Their rapid success motivates them to choose bigger goals to continue their success. I love opening my emails to read “I love 7 lbs in two weeks!” These quick results are always motivating for more!

New to us is DAMY Lifestyle! This membership is on a monthly basis and is an amazing new addition to DAMY Health. We wanted a way to help people reach their weight loss and wellness goals that often say they can’t afford it. This program includes DAMY support, access to the DAMY Private Site, DAMY Dailies, DAMY Check – Ins, DAMY Recipes and the DAMY Health basic meal and fitness plans. With this you have unlimited email access to a DAMY Coach for all your lifestyle questions! For less than half the price of a 1 hour in-person appointment with a DAMY Coach you can have unlimited support, information, and answers to all your questions! This program is only $20 per month! Less than the price of a night at the movies! This is our way of giving back and making our health programs accessible to everyone!

We are so excited about the evolution of DAMY Health. Enjoy our new website and keep in touch! As always I love hearing from you. If you have any questions or comments please email me at

Amy Layne

Bikini Body Program

Your complete guide for the next 3 months includes:

12 Week Eating Guide – Slim Down Diet adjusted every 4 weeks to keep your body burning!

12 Week Fitness Plan – Fitness Training adjusted every 4 weeks to keep your body guessing!

DAMY Health Workout Glossary – All our amazing moves broken down!

DAMY Health Grocery List – Perfect your trips to the grocery store!

DAMY Health Lifestyle Guide – Our famous guide to a healthy lifestyle!

Amy Layne’s Weight Loss Quick Tips – Inside info to help you feel your best!

DAMY Dailies! – Everything from recipes to motivation to hot new workouts!

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Fat Blaster Program

You will receive…

DAMY Detox Meal Plan – The perfect food choices and combinations to rebuild and repair your body!

DAMY Health Grocery List – I find the first step to success is knowing what to bring into your home.

Amy Layne’s Weight Loss Quick Tips – Inside info to help you feel your best!

DAMY Dailies! – Everything from recipes to motivation to hot new workouts!

Unlimited Email Access to Amy Herself!!! – Like no other program out there!  Have your own personal coach!  Ask any questions or just have someone to chat with.  Amy is there for you every step of the way!

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DAMY Lifestyle

Only $20 per month!!!

DAMY Meal Guidelines – Learn how to eat the DAMY way!

DAMY Recommended Exercises – We teach you how to workout smarter not harder!

Full Lifestyle Guide! – Our famous guide to a healthy lifestyle!

Unlimited Email Access to DAMY Health – Like no other program out there!  Have your own personal coach!  Ask any questions or just have someone to chat with.  Amy is there for you every step of the way!

Access to the DAMY Private Site – Complete with DAMY Recipes, extra workouts, and so much more!

Be Part of the DAMY Team!

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DAMY Method

Our signature instantly available program!

8 Week Fitness Plan (New every 4 weeks) – No gym? No Problem!

8 Week Nutrition Plan (New every 4 weeks) – Learn how to eat the DAMY way!

Full Lifestyle Guide! – Change your lifestyle with our simple guide!

2 Months of Daily Emails! – Everything from recipes to motivation to hot new workouts!

Unlimited Email Access to DAMY Health – Like no other program out there!  Have your own personal coach!  Ask any questions or just have someone to chat with.  Amy is there for you every step of the way!

Access to the DAMY Private Site – Complete with DAMY Recipes, extra workouts, and so much more!

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ALP Program

New Fitness Plan each month to keep your body changing!

Updated Nutrition Plan each month to suit your goals!

Unlimited Email Access to DAMY Health – Like no other program out there!  Have your own personal coach!  Ask any questions or just have someone to chat with.  Amy is there for you every step of the way!

Full Grocery List – Perfect your trips to the grocery store

Full Workout Glossary – All our amazing moves broken down!

Access to the DAMY Private Site – Complete with DAMY Recipes, extra workouts, and so much more!

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