The Truth About Running a Health & Wellness Business Online

The Truth About Running a Health & Wellness Business Online

This week I was asked by a Holistic Nutritionist Student to be a part of her school project which was to interview a successful Holistic Nutritionist. It was ironic that the interview was scheduled for a day that turned out to be a complete disaster. Being an...
How I Look Younger Today Than I Did 7 Years Ago

How I Look Younger Today Than I Did 7 Years Ago

Renewing my passport has been a truly eye opening experience. I am aware of how much better my life feels everyday but this was kind of shocking to see. On the left is my picture from 7 years ago. I was 24, miserable, 30 pounds heavier, smoking on the weekends,...
The 21 Day Vegan Cleanse Challenge

The 21 Day Vegan Cleanse Challenge

*Exclusive DAMY Member Resource: For a limited time The 21 Day Vegan Cleanse Challenge is now exclusively available to DAMY Bikini Body Program and DAMY Method Program Members. To join a DAMY Program see instructions below. First Oprah, then Beyonce, now YOU! Welcome...
The Complete Guide to Creating Green Juice and Smoothies

The Complete Guide to Creating Green Juice and Smoothies

#Itsallgreen is something you will see me tweeting, sharing on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest. When I consume more greens through salads, vegetables, dips, juices and smoothies I feel more alive. I try to get as much green into my diet as possible. I do this by...