Winter Holiday Countdown Sale

Winter Holiday Countdown Sale

With 10 weeks until the Christmas Holidays there is still time to get going with a DAMY Program and create some fabulous results for your Hot Holiday Outfits. Every year to get ready for the Holidays I do the Bikini Body Program. This has me feeling vibrant, healthy,...
Labour Day SALE 20% OFF DAMY Programs

Labour Day SALE 20% OFF DAMY Programs

Summer has come to a close! With the fresh season comes fresh goals, energy and focus. Now is the perfect time to go after your goals you have been putting off. If you want to look and feel your very best in plenty of time for the Christmas Season now is the time to...
Hot July Flash Sale 20% OFF

Hot July Flash Sale 20% OFF

Say hello to our Hot July Flash Sale. We are offering 20% OFF all our online programs for a limited time. For all of you that has emailed to ask me “do I have time to lean out for summer?” Yes, you do have time to feel great for those August events! July...