How to Have a Healthy and Successful Thanksgiving

How to Have a Healthy and Successful Thanksgiving

*This fantastic Thanksgiving resource is for our Canadian Members this weekend. This email will be sent out again for all our American Members prior to the American Thanksgiving. Welcome to our Thanksgiving/Holiday Season Survival Guide. Yes, you can make it through...
The Best Weight Loss Tips and Recipes for the Holiday Season

The Best Weight Loss Tips and Recipes for the Holiday Season

Welcome to our Thanksgiving/Holiday Season Survival Guide. Yes, you can make it through the Holiday Season feeling sexy, lean, vibrant and healthy! Follow our tricks, tips, guides and recipes and you will be feeling fabulous this Holiday Season!     DAMY...
Raw Cranberry Sauce Recipe

Raw Cranberry Sauce Recipe

How was your Thanksgiving? I hope it was cozy and was enjoyed with the ones you love. I spent my Thanksgiving completely relaxing! It felt amazing! I decided to make dinner easy this year and just make the foods that we absolutly love. I kept it simple and it was...