Vision Boarding – Set Your Goals in Motion

This one is a DAMY Health favorite. Today is Day 23 and it is the day you learn about Vision Boarding!

Vision boarding is simply placing images that impower you, motivate you or make you feel comforted and placing them on a board where you can reflect on them often.

This is an old stand-by tool that works! Fill your board with pictures that bring you pleasure. Girlfriends laughing, a woman going for a jog, clothes you enjoy, travel pictures, or healthy produce. Build a visual of the life you are creating for yourself.

There is a lot to be said about visualization. It has been used for centuries by many great individuals. From professional athletes to our world’s greatest teachers (Albert Einstein). It is a tool that can be used by everyone. We all have read about vision boarding. I believe this can assist you in reaching all your goals.

A vision board can have pictures of healthy bodies, laughing friends, wealth, health, fun, travel, great quotes, or anything you’d like to experience in your life. It’s a great creative process to sit down and really allow yourself to dream big. As humans, one of our biggest downfalls is cutting ourselves short.

Set Your Goals in Motion

Here are some great tips to help jumpstart your visualization and keep your imagination expanding.

Areas to consider when creating your vision board:

  • Health/Wellness
  • Physique/Goals
  • Clothing
  • Experiences (Lauging with girlfriends, dining out, etc)
  • Relationship
  • Travel
  • Business/Career
  • Quotes/ Words
  • Spirituality

Add to your vision board continuously (we are made to evolve and change our minds). As your goals change so should your vision board. This is something that should be pure pleasure for you to create and work on. Really enjoy this process.

Dream big! There are no limits but the ones we set for ourselves

Just for today think unlimited thoughts and I’m sure this will become a habit. So many of us set limits to our goals, cutting ourselves short before we even get out of the gate. Your past doesn’t matter, nor can it control your future unless you decide to let it. Let your imagination run wild on your vision board.

Placing limits on what we can achieve is our own worst enemy. We have to end the “I Cant’s” and replace them with the “I Cans.” The most important key to any success is believing in yourself. It’s all about attitude! Let your ‘I Can” Attitute overflow on to your vision board!

Task for the Day

Start your vision board! Set it up in a place where you will see it everyday. Take a moment to reflect on your goals everyday.

Reminder: Drink 2.75L of water today!

Amy Layne is a Personal Trainer, Holistic Nutritionist and Lifestyle Expert at DAMY Health. She is the creator of the popular DAMY Method Program and world famous Bikini Body Program. To see Amy’s Before and After Photos and DAMY Member Success Stories Click Here.

Connect with Amy on Twitter @damyhealth and on Facebook.

P.S. Did you arrive here via Pinterest or Stumbleupon? This tip is number 23 of a 31 part free email course called 31 Tips to a Healthier You on how to improve your health and jumpstart your weight loss one day at a time. Learn more about it by signing up here.

*Please be sure to consult a physician before embarking on any weight loss program. These tips are meant to be part of a healthy lifestyle and are not in any way meant to cure disease.