You are who you hang with!

Surround yourself with likeminded individuals! Discuss your healthy lifestyle with others that are embarking on the same journey! Finding other positive individuals changing their lifestyle can make you feel part of a community. It feels great to talk about our new interests with others who are excited as well.

You may not have these people in your daily lives so feel free to join us on our online community! DAMY Health on Facebook is a place that celebrates health, happiness, self-love and embraces lifting each other up. Go to this link to join us today!

We’ve all been there while on any healthy regimen… Friends that mean well but can actually somewhat sabotage our progress (at least put negative bugs in our ear).

Here are some things that were said to me time and time again:

  • “Your sooo good all the time”
  • “You can have a bite!”
  • “I don’t know how you do it”
  • “You only live once”
  • “You are tiny already”
  • “I don’t get how you can be so committed”

These comments come from ignorance. Either these individuals are threatened by your new lifestyle or genuinely just don’t understand it. The great news is, they don’t have to! Only you have to be firm and clear on your goals and why you choose to live the way you do.

No one can change your thought pattern unless you allow them to.

Here are some ideas to keep your friends close without falling off the wagon.

*Keep a positive attitude around these friends.
*Surround yourself with like-minded friends.
*Don’t preach to your friends. Allow them to be who they are which also gives you permission to be who you are.
*Go out for coffee instead of desert.
*Go shopping instead of out for drinks.
*Invite friends to your place and show them what healthy appetizers look like.
*Always bring healthy appetizers to events that are yummy.
*Ask an inactive friend to join you on a walk.
*Feel free to discuss all the positive changes in your lifestyle (without being preachy).
*Brush-off negative remarks. Let them go. They have nothing to do with you – they are only a reflection of that person’s emotions.

Sometimes our friends and family take more time getting used to our healthy lifestyles than we do. It’s only our job to change ourselves not others. I hope these tips can help you keep your inner peace on your journey!

Task for the Day

Surround yourself with like-minded individuals. If someone tries to pull you off plan or away from your healthy lifestyle use the tips above to keep yourself on track.

Reminder: Drink 2.5L of water today!

Amy Layne is a Personal Trainer, Holistic Nutritionist and Lifestyle Expert at DAMY Health. She is the creator of the popular DAMY Method Program and world famous Bikini Body Program. To see Amy’s Before and After Photos and DAMY Member Success Stories Click Here.

Connect with Amy on Twitter @damyhealth and on Facebook.

P.S. Did you arrive here via Pinterest or Stumbleupon? This tip is number 28 of a 31 part free email course called 31 Tips to a Healthier You on how to improve your health and jumpstart your weight loss one day at a time. Learn more about it by signing up here.

*Please be sure to consult a physician before embarking on any weight loss program. These tips are meant to be part of a healthy lifestyle and are not in any way meant to cure disease.