Hi Everyone! My name is David and I am the technical support here at DAMY. Today is my day to hijack the blog!!! This is my chance to send a special message to Amy without her knowing.

Please join me in celebrating Amy for an amazing accomplishment by reading below!

I have had the pleasure of being a part of DAMY Health since day 1 over 3 years ago. In that time we have had some major accomplishments but none as exciting as today!

I am so proud to announce that DAMY Health has welcomed it’s 1000th Member! This means that in addition to touching tens of thousands of lives through her newsletter, Facebook and recipes Amy has been the personal health, weight loss and lifestyle coach to 1000 women. She has developed this community of love and health from her passion for helping people live their best lives! It has been the most phenomenal accomplishment I have ever seen.

I am so proud of Amy Layne for personally coaching her 1000th DAMY Health member! She really has proven that she is the ultimate Natural Lifestyle Coach. Her love and dedication to helping others is beyond words.

As her partner I have seen the energy and love that goes into each email check-in reply, blog post, article, forum reply, facebook and twitter update and reply, recipe, photos, newsletter, etc over these last 3 years. It has been so inspiring for me and I am sure many others.

I have never witnessed such passion for helping women live empowered, healthy lives before. She is on a mission of service and works her heart out everyday!

Reaching 1000 DAMY Health Members is a huge milestone and represents 1000 lives touched by the kindest, most loving, inspiring, dedicated and hard working person. I am so proud to have such an amazing partner and motivated by the love she has spread in such a short time.

The really exciting thing about Amy reaching this milestone is that it really feels like she is just getting started. I am so thankful for being a part of this movement and am looking forward to where she takes us next.

Amy, I speak for the 1000 women who you have coached so far and the 1000s more to come when I say thank you for your dedication, hard-work, passion and courage to create a positive change in the lives of women all over the world. You truly are an inspiration and we celebrate you today!

Congratulations Amy!

– David

*This weekend lets celebrate Amy by sharing and tweeting this post on Facebook and Twitter and Pinning this picture. Lets give her back some of the love she has gave to us!