We all can get a bit comfy in our current regimen. Sometimes simply re-evaluating our meal plan and having a great weight loss week can re-motivate us. The following tips are key points to follow to get great results! Follow these simple 7 steps this week and feel tighter, lighter, and excited!!! Make sure to let me know how great you feel!

Re-motivate yourself by having great success this week! Here are your top tips to follow to feel wonderful and lean in just a few days.
1) After supper your snack should be limited to protein and good fats.

2) Get your 3 L of water in every day!!!

3) Stick to interval style cardio (example. walk 2 minutes, run 1 minute for 30 minutes). I have some great ones… email me.

4) Keep carbs and fruit to your first 4 mini meals of the day (supper and late snack are the only times not to have these two).

5) Watch your sodium. Fall in love with herbs and spices. Mrs. Dash can go a long ways!!!

6) Stick to your ‘staple’ breakfast. Our famous protein pancake (need the recipe? email me!).

7) Take it each day at a time and celebrate your small successes!


What’s your biggest healthy eating challenge???

Love you all! Lets lose some weight this week!