The Ultimate Boob, Booty & Bump Butter

The Ultimate Boob, Booty & Bump Butter

My Ultimate Boob, Booty & Bump Butter recipe is an all natural, super hydrating, healing and protective recipe that has amazing benefits. It helps to heal your skin, prevents and fades stretch marks and makes your skin luminous, soft and smooth. This is my...

31 Days to a Better YOU! Day #30 Meditation!

Meditation and alone time…Meditation is simply spending quiet time away from all distractions and just breathing.  Of course, I could go into much more detail but if you are just starting this is as simple as it needs to be!  Everyday find at least 10...

31 Day to a Better YOU Tip #29 Enlist a Coach!

Everyone feels safe with a plan!  If you are ready to make a change and want a solid plan seek someone that can assist you.  You need to find someone that not only has the credentials but makes you feel comfortable and is compassionate to your needs....

31 Day to a Better YOU Tip #28 Share with Others!

Talk to others…Discuss your healthy lifestyle with others that are embarking on the same journey!  Finding other positive individuals changing their lifestyle can make you feel like part of a community.  It feels great to talk about our new interests...

31 Day to a Better YOU! Tip #26 New Kicks!

Having a quality pair of sneakers is essential if you are starting a workout program.  Our feet take the most impact of our entire body and need to be looked after!  Without proper foot support problems can start at the feet and radiate up the body. Amy...

31 Day to a Better YOU Tip #25 Get Outside!

With the recent warm weather there is no reason not to take your workouts outside!  Outdoor workouts provide you with fresh air, essential vitamin D, and workouts that keep you interested.  I find my outdoor workouts to be over before I know it!Amy...

31 Days to a Better YOU! Day #24 Apple Cider Vinegar!

Having an ounce of Apple Cider Vinegar everyday has been shown to lower cholesterol and break down brown fat.  The studies have only been done on Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar so make sure to get that brand!  Also, make sure to have a water chaser!...

31 Days to a Better YOU! Day #23 Vision Board!

This is an old stand-by tool that works!  Fill your board with pictures that bring you pleasure or things you would like to see in your own life.  Some great examples are: girlfriends laughing, a woman going for a jog, clothes you enjoy, travel pictures, or...