Meet fabulous DAMY Team Member Christina. Here she shares her honest and inspiring story of her journey to energy, health, fitness and happiness. Christina is a strong, kind woman with such a big heart. I have enjoyed being with her along this journey immensely. She’s always positive and is continually encouraging others. She is an awesome mother, a great friend, and one hot chick!

Christina started with us during the holidays as part of the DAMY Method Holiday Edition. She committed to that program and achieved amazing success inside and out! The exciting thing about Christina is she is still striving towards her goals. She is taking it to another level. She recently started her journey on the intense Bikini Body Program. We are excited to see what you do next Christina! You can do anything you put your mind to! Thank you for sharing your story and being such an incredible woman. You are the heart of our team in many ways. We love you!

I know many of you will relate to Christina’s honest story. I know that in her heart what she wants to do is inspire other women to take control of their lives as she has hers. Thank you Christina for opening up and sharing with us.

Christina’s DAMY Method Success Story

“I was the queen of procrastination! I have three children and I never really took time to take care of myself. I had 6 pregnancies literally back to back with a few months to recover. I miscarried my twins at 25 weeks and became pregnant with my son 6 months later. I went from 125lbs to 225lbs in 9 months! He was a 10lb baby. He passed away at 3 months old and I went into an emotional foodfest. I didn’t want to do anything or go anywhere and my weight reflected that bad time in my life.

Three months after Joshua dies, I became pregnant with my oldest daughter. She was only 6 months old when I found out I was having another baby in 6 months!! WOW!! All my babies were c-sections too. SO 4 c-sections and 80 pounds (lost) later here I find myself. I am a happy person and love my life and being a mom. I just never took the time to deal with the weight I had put on over 7 years. Then I had my AHA MOMENT!! I was looking at pictures with my mom and I was horrified to see how heavy I really was in the photos. I didn’t feel that fat and even thought I looked ok. Seeing the picture of me in the black t-shirt was a wake up moment for me. I realized I had to quit putting off getting in shape till tomorrow and just do it.

I found Amy online thru Facebook and got her DAMY Method Holiday Edition Program. It was amazing. I felt so good and energetic in the first week and that is when I realized how bad of shape I was really in… I followed the program and saw results! I still fight procrastination. But, I make the time and then choose to just do the workouts and follow the eating plan. I still struggle but seeing the inches come off and the weight go down I am motivated to see it thru to the very end! The end of sluggish lethargy and unhappy shopping trips! I want to be a fit and beautiful mom and sexy wife and set a healthy example for my precious daughters. I will recommend Amy and her programs 100% to any one who is ready to see their life turn around. You can get your “Happy Back On” and feel like a new person! My goal is to be fit and energetic. I am on my way baby!!

I tried Atkins, Weight Watchers and South Beach… All temporary and hard to fit into a busy lifestyle. Amy’s program is SO easy to follow and you choose the foods for each meal so you are eating things you enjoy. I can make the SAME meal for my whole family and enjoy it with them together! We are all benefiting and I love it! I do NOT in any way feel like I am on a “diet” I love how customized this new way of life has become.”
