I am thrilled to finally announce the DAMY Health Online Program Member’s Book Club and first book!

The DAMY Book Club is going to be something you can do if you wish. This is a no-pressure situation and is only for enjoyment and self-improvement. The communication is going to be on the Member’s Forum on the DAMY Member’s Only Site.

So, this will be private to only DAMY Health Online Program Members (If you currently are not a DAMY Health Online Program Member we would love to have you join us! Check out our fabulous programs here).

The DAMY Book Club is just going to be very simple, laid back and you, the members, are going to decide what you would like to share.

I highly recommend anyone that has struggled with emotional eating or any type of obsessive or abnormal behaviours towards food or their body image to read the book. This book is a powerful tool in releasing and healing. I 100% back this book. I have read it and have done the exercises in the book myself and they have transformed the way I think and feel about my relationship with food and my body even today.

The first book is – A Course in Weight Loss by Marianne Williamson

The DAMY Book Club is going to go until January 1st. There are a couple reasons for this. Number one, this book is something you take your time with. You may find yourself reading the whole book through and then going back and re-reading chapter by chapter taking your time. There are some exercises that go with each chapter so it is something you take slowly and at your own pace.

I can’t express enough how powerful this book can be as a tool if you choose to use it.

A quick note that I want to touch on – The book does mention God. This God is represented in a Spiritual sense (not a man in the sky or reluctant deity). Whether you have a strong faith base/spiritual pracitce or not this book will help you. I am in no way pushing any point of view or religion on anyone (nor is this book).

I am so thrilled for this! It is honestly a dream of mine to have a group of women taking such a powerful journey like this together. With all of us supporting each other and holding each other in this realm of healing that only us could truly understand is going to be beyond powerful.

I want everybody to embody and know that we are all Sisters here and what we discuss, share and breakthrough is a sacred journey. I am so grateful to be able to do this!

How to Participate in the DAMY Book Club

(1) Pick up the book “A Course in Weight Loss by Marianne Williamson.” To order online (and receive the book in less than 1 week) go here.

(2) Read the book and do the exercises at the pace that you feel comfortable. Again, this will be our book until January 1st, 2013.

(3) As you read the book, do the exercises and just experience things coming up for you/breakthroughs head to the DAMY Member’s Forum and share. There will be a clear section to do this – found here. Use the Forum throughout this entire journey for sharing, releasing, supporting and uplifting each other. Even when the book ends and you have some time to really apply the methods in your life come back and share the shifts that have taken place.

(4) It is totally optional to download the meditations. I really found this to be a useful tool. I downloaded the Course in Weight Loss Meditations to my iPod and listen to them frequently while working, walking or working out. I have found it a unique way to really surround myself in the journey. These are also below.

(5) Finally, support each other. There are no stupid emotions and everyone is going to have things come up. Be kind and treat each other as sisters. We are all on this journey together.


Amy Layne is a Personal Trainer, Holistic Nutritionist and Lifestyle Expert at DAMY Health. She is the creator of the popular DAMY Method Program and world famous Bikini Body Program. To see Amy’s Before and After Photos and DAMY Member Success Stories Click Here. For Amy’s complete story go

Connect with Amy on Twitter @damyhealth and on Facebook.