Get Ready for Summer NOW with this Free Giveaway!

Win a FREE Month of the Amy Layne Paradigm Package! 
DAMY Health is excited to announce a giveaway for March! All you have to do is signup for our newsletter by going to

After you have signed up you are automatically entered into a draw to win 1 FREE Month of the Amy Layne Paradigm Package! Now is the best time to get started on your goal. It can be to buy new summer clothes, to prepare for an event, or to look and feel great in your swimsuit! If you are already signed up for the newsletter you will be automatically entered into the draw! The Deadline is February 28th. Please pass this email along to anyone that may be interested!

The Amy Layne Paradigm Package includes: 

·        1 Month Fitness Program
·        1 Month Meal Plan
·        Grocery List
·        Skin Care and Hair Advice
·        Unlimited Phone/Skype and Email Access (Any questions about ANY thing!)
·        Lifestyle Advice
·        Weekly email check-ins
·        Clothing Suggestions
·        Nutrition Label and Shopping Education
·        Unlimited Support and Motivation! 
·        Daily inspirational emails!