After a bliss filled weekend with Louise L. Hay, Cheryl Richardson, Dr. Wayne W. Dyer, Bruce Lipton and Marianne Williamson one thing is clear… Self-Love is number one.

Number 2 – NOW is our time. We owe it to ourselves to make this life amazing. If you have been sitting on the fence or not giving your program your all… NOW is the time to kick it up!!!!

Kick it into gear. Say “YES” to everything you are meant to be. Erect the most important, the base pillar to all of our lives… our health!!!!

To be here is a gift. Respect yourself enough, love yourself enough, and give yourself the time to be your very best version of yourself. It is up to you and you alone. It is your choice every day.

Today, choose to commit to real Self-Love.

I am sending you all Love & Light xo

*Please remember that our health is our greatest wealth.

Photo via: Gregg Braden on Facebook

Amy Layne is a Personal Trainer, Holistic Nutritionist and Lifestyle Expert at DAMY Health. She is the creator of the popular DAMY Method Program and world famous Bikini Body Program. To see Amy’s Before and After Photos and DAMY Member Success Stories Click Here. For Amy’s complete story go

Connect with Amy on Twitter @damyhealth and on Facebook.