How much water should I drink to be healthy?

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Naturally Flavored Water: Mojito WaterToday is Tip 1 of the 31 Tips to a Healthier You E-Course designed to teach you how to be healthy – one tip at a time! The lesson for today is to make sure you are getting enough water and ultimately to teach you how much water you should drink each and every day.

It is very important for your personal health that you drink 2-3 liters of water per day but if you are not drinking that much right now you should work your way towards that goal. Our bodies are composed of 60%-70% water all of which needs to be replenished daily!

Benefits of Water

Drinking water has so many wonderful benefits!

  • It makes our skin look plump and vibrant
  • Satisfies unnecessary cravings
  • Flushes toxins
  • Helps to eliminate fat from the body
  • Helps to banishing cravings

One technique I try is when I find myself fighting a craving that I will later regret is to drink an 8 ounce glass of water, wait 15 minutes and then re-evaluate the craving… usually it has passed ☺. If it hasn’t I use one of the options from this guide: How to satisfy late night cravings.

Water doesn’t have any calories. This is one of the reasons it is such a great weight loss tool! When you replace your high-calorie drinks with water you are staying away from so many extra calories! Dehydration leads to fatigue, muscle weakness, dizziness, headaches, and many other symptoms. If you are thirsty there is a good chance you are already dehydrated!


How do I increase my water intake?

  • My most important tip to increase your water intake is to bring a re-usable water bottle with you everywhere you go! I use a bottle called the ‘Klean Kanteen’ and it is 800ml.
  • I also use the “Track-It” technique. I have written in my planner when I should be drinking water. Every time I finish a bottle I cross it off in my book!
  • Many people set a water-reminder! Set your watch to go off every couple hours. When it goes you know it’s time to drink! You won’t have to wonder: “how much should I drink” because your watch will remind you!


How Much Should I Drink: Your Task!

If you are new to this water consumption idea you should start slow… I don’t want you to go for 2-3 liters today! You need to take it slow so that your body can adjust.

This week I want you to drink at least 1 liter of water per day. Throughout this program I will gradually have your increasing your water. Follow the guidelines at the bottom of each lesson. When you reach 3L you can maintain. If you are in the process of losing weight or would like to slim down increase your consumption to 4L.

Please ensure you are drinking plain, pure water! If you would rather have a naturally flavoured water refer to the tip below:

What if I don’t Like Drinking Water?

If you must have something with flavour only use these options here.

If you have a Brita Water Filter that is awesome! Use it! In fact, throughout these next 31 Tips I do not want you to consume any other liquid (aside from 1-2 cups of tea or coffee per day)!

How much water is too much?

This depends on your size. You should not drink beyond your bodies natural limit. 2-3 Liters per day is a safe amount. Consult your physician about how much is too much for you each day.

Make sure you always drink enough water…
DRINK 1L Today.

Amy Layne is a Personal Trainer, Holistic Nutritionist and Lifestyle Expert at DAMY Health. She is the creator of the popular DAMY Method Program and world famous Bikini Body Program. To see Amy’s Before and After Photos and DAMY Member Success Stories Click Here.

Connect with Amy on Twitter @damyhealth and on Facebook.

P.S. Did you get this link from a friend or on Twitter? This tip is number 1 of a 31 part free email course on how to improve your health and jumpstart your weight loss one day at a time. Learn more about it and sign up here.

*Please be sure to consult a physician before embarking on any weight loss program. These tips are meant to be part of a healthy lifestyle and are not in any way meant to cure disease.