This week at DAMY Health I have been talking a lot with Members about certain “lies” we’re told by the world and ourselves for years that it is time to shake.

One, is that motivation just comes to us one day filling us with this magical energy that carries us through great change. While for some, a dramatic event in life can cause this shift in perception where motivation is created but most often motivation is set fire within us when we decide to dig deep and take action.

Even when we have doubts and we “don’t feel like it” or it’s “hard”. Taking action gives you momentum. Things in motion stay in motion.

This is the same with life changes and motivation.

Opening my mind to let what motivation really is sink in changed my life. It is not reserved for those “perfect people” over there with everything going for them.

We ARE the perfect people.

We ARE the ones with everything going for us if we but choose to claim greatness for ourselves by taking action every day.

Motivation will come. Grace and flow will follow. Let it. Claim the greatness that is yours by letting go of all false and limiting beliefs surrounding motivation.

Knowing it is a choice is empowering and available to each of us.



Spread Only What You Believe In

You can spend your time condemning what you feel is wrong in this world OR you can spend your time/energy spreading what you believe to be beneficial and support those you feel are making the world a better place.

With your time, energy and currency you are constantly casting your vote of what you want to see more of in this world.

I always attempt to vote in the direction of Love.


Lisa’s Triathlon Success Story

Congratulations to our Beautiful DAMY Member Lisa on her amazing Triathlon finish!!!

So proud of you Lisa! You inspire me!!!

Here is a little note from Lisa with her celebration photo:

“First place in ladies 45-50 category. Finished in 1:58-my personal best. Only 4 min behind my husband and he is faster than me in both the swim and run. Couldn’t have done it without you, your support and your great program! Thank you

– Lisa”

Take a deep breath and believe something great is about to happen. ‪#‎shiftinperception‬


DAMY Chickpea Blondie Recipe Featured on

Thank you Bethenny Frankel for sharing DAMY Health’s Chickpea Blondie Recipe.

We adore you 🙂 (Go here to see the post)

My Favorite Place to Workout

“did you just say walk?. I think she said walk!”

My favorite summer snack freshly picked 🙂

What’s your “straight from the garden” summer time snack?





Amy Layne is the Co-Owner of DAMY Health Online and Coach Specializing in Holistic Nutrition, Fitness, Self-Love, Inspiration and Living Your Best Life. She is the creator of the world famous DAMY Method and Bikini Body Programs. To see Amy’s Before and After Photos and DAMY Member Success Stories Click Here. For Amy’s complete story go

Connect with Amy on Twitter @damyhealth and on Facebook.