You can re-write YOUR story 🙂



Motivation. Boom.



You Have to Take the Stairs!


Dwell in Possibility 🙂



“Dream BIG – Only those who envision greatness will achieve it.”



Keep Going 🙂


I adore this conversation!

The more we take healthy living into our own hands the less power the drug companies will have. The change starts with us taking our health into our own hands. We all can do this smile Makes me excited for the future. Change is coming!!!


Practice being Awesome 🙂



Amy Layne is a Personal Trainer, Holistic Nutritionist and Lifestyle Expert at DAMY Health. She is the creator of the popular DAMY Method Program and world famous Bikini Body Program. To see Amy’s Before and After Photos and DAMY Member Success Stories Click Here. For Amy’s complete story go

Connect with Amy on Twitter @damyhealth and on Facebook.