No worries. You can be right back on track today.

You have reached this page because according to our records your DAMY Lean membership has expired. If this is an error please contact us here and we will review your account asap.

There are two options for purchasing a membership to the DAMY Lean. First is a monthly plan at $49. This program is billed automatically at the same time every month. You are able to cancel your membership at any time.

The second option is the lifetime plan. The rate for the lifetime plan is $299. On this plan you can come back to the program whenever you wish to jump right back on.

To read more about the DAMY Lean go here.

Access to all DAMY resources is included. Commit to healthy weight loss with us.


Why choose the DAMY Lean?

The DAMY Lean is the first online program to bring naturopathic principles of well-being, self-care, prevention and optimal wellness to a diet. It is the first online program to offer weekly live group sessions with a naturopathic doctor. It is the furthest possible program from a fad diet. It is research-informed. It has been developed by Amy Layne after working with thousands of women over the last 10 years. After 10 years of trial and error, trying all types of diets with all types of individuals the DAMY Lean has been created to fill the gap in the industry – a well-rounded, sustainable and effective program that everyone can benefit from.

What if I change my mind and want a refund?

Within the first 15 days of your purchase if you are not satisfied with your program simply send us an email and we will process your refund right away. This is a supportive, caring and engaged community and we will always do everything we can to keep it that way. This approach is why our programs have been so successful. If you do not feel our community is right for you we support you in moving on.

What if I can't attend a FB Live session?

All FB Live sessions are recored and posted in the FB Live archive in the member’s portal. You can even watch the sessions that occurred before you joined.

What happens if I cancel my subscription?

Like most subscription programs if you cancel your subscription your account will remain active for the remainder of your one month term. After that, your Portal access, all future invitations FB Live sessions/check-ins and membership in the Lean Community will end.

What if I can't complete the workouts?

This program is not like most weight loss programs online in that the workouts are not the main focus. We teach that exercise is important in weight loss but it is not the differentiating factor between reaching your goal and not in 98% of situations. This program has multiple exercise levels and there is something in there for everyone. No worries.

Can I upgrade to a different package after signing up?

Yes, of course. If at any time you decide to choose the Lifetime Access Membership you will be able to upgrade from your Account page in the Portal.

When will I be billed?

If you choose the Monthly Access option you will be billed on the same day monthly (the day you signed up).

What type of payment do you accept?

We accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express and Paypal.

What if I have food restrictions, sensitivities or allergies?

So do we. This is one of the reasons the program was built the way it has been. This program gives you food options so diverse it won’t matter if you have restrictions. In fact, we have an entire section devoted to cleansing, elimination/challenge diets and avoiding sensitivities. You will be fine!

What if I get stuck on a lesson or concept?

Whenever you have questions about your program you are able to do one of three things:

  1. Post your question on the Members forum – we will answer as soon as possible (other members might get to it first)
  2. Post your question on the DAMY Lean private Facebook group – we will answer as soon as possible (other members might get to it first)
  3. Ask your question in the FB Live question section in the portal. It will be covered the next week during the FB Live.