Low Energy? This Could Be Why.

Low Energy? This Could Be Why.

Stuck on the couch? We’ve all been there. When motivation runs low it can be worrisome. Motivation may not be the issue here. If you are suffering from low energy to the point that it is having a significant negative effect on your daily life this article is...
Blueberry Beet Booster – Energy Smoothie

Blueberry Beet Booster – Energy Smoothie

If you may have noticed the last couple weeks I have been heavy on the smoothies. This is due to me tightening up my summer habits and focusing on my Fall goals. I am firmly on the Bikini Body Program all the time as a way of life but in the summer I find that more...
Should I Try B12 Injections?

Should I Try B12 Injections?

This week’s #AskDrDuizer is all about B12 Injections. I wanted to get David’s medical perspective on B12 injections, if they are necessary, when they are necessary and who should administer them. But first, as always, I’m going to speak on my...
Green Pineapple Energy Smoothie (Raw/V/GF)

Green Pineapple Energy Smoothie (Raw/V/GF)

This is just a simple smoothie that I really enjoy. We all know that I love my greens but the summer leaves me craving more tropical flavors. So, mixing the two is a perfect combination. I like adding Maca Powder to mine for a natural energy boost. For more info on...
The Sugar Detox – Kiss your sugar cravings goodbye

The Sugar Detox – Kiss your sugar cravings goodbye

***UPDATE: I’ve had a lot of requests to create a Vegan Cleanse. I have now available for you The 21 Day Vegan Cleanse Challenge. This will work above and beyond as a sugar detox as well as a full body, mind and soul cleanse. For full details please click here....