Why Some People Have Weight Loss Success and Others Don’t

Why Some People Have Weight Loss Success and Others Don’t

“The power is in you. The answer is in you. And you are the answer to all your searches: you are the goal. You are the answer. It’s never outside.” – Eckhart Tolle How are you? How was your week? I hope great! I just wanted to touch base and send you all...
These “things” improve my life

These “things” improve my life

These are a few of my favourite things! Yes, I did just sing that. These are items that make my healthy lifestyle easier and contribute to my overall happiness. Some make life easier and some just make me smile. Take a sneak peak into my life!       So...
Your Surroundings Can Help You Lose Weight

Your Surroundings Can Help You Lose Weight

Your environment – A direct reflection of yourself and how you feel If you follow my blog or are a member of DAMY Health then you are not new to the idea of “who and what surrounds you directly affects you.”  I always go back to the saying that our...