How I dropped the baby weight – an interview with Amy Layne

How I dropped the baby weight – an interview with Amy Layne

I recently sat down with Amy to discuss how she’s gotten back to her regular routine post baby. Amy has been hyper focused on making her lifestyle conducive to always being lean and it has paid off in so many other areas of health. If you are pregnant, recently had a...
How Often Should You Weigh Yourself?

How Often Should You Weigh Yourself?

Whether you hop on the scale daily or haven’t seen a scale since you graduated high school, how often and when to weigh yourself are important parts of any journey towards weight loss. So many of us make the mistake of weighing ourselves at inappropriate times and...
Chocolate Ice Cream Fudge Brownies with Strawberries

Chocolate Ice Cream Fudge Brownies with Strawberries

This Chocolate Ice Cream Fudge Brownie recipe is pure decadence. There is something luxurious and tempting about chocolate and strawberries. This recipe is the perfect combination of sweet tangy strawberries and dark rich chocolate. The bottom layer is a fudgy, nutty,...
Nutrition Hacks for Weight Loss

Nutrition Hacks for Weight Loss

I’m a sucker for “nutrition hacks for weight loss” (or really – “life hacks” of any kind). If something is going to help me in the slightest way I want to know about it. That is why I am excited about the recent research in...
What to do when negative opinions are weighing you down

What to do when negative opinions are weighing you down

“Opinion is our estimate of reality” This is so important to remember when dealing with others “unsolicited opinions”. They are nothing more than a projection of their beliefs about life. It is life through their personal looking glass. It has...