Talk Nice to Yourself

Today is such an important lesson… listen closely. Talk nice to yourself.

Tell yourself you can! Tell yourself you are beautiful. Tell yourself that this is going to be easy. Every day tell yourself that you are going to have a great day. Love yourself as much as you can! You will be shocked at how much this alone will change your life!

Motivational Books

Many of you lovely ladies ask me about books! I love any book that makes me think differently about the simple things in life. It is amazing what an attitude shift or perception can do.

I highly recommend any book by Wayne Dyer. He has some simple small quote style books that are very easy reads and can be picked up on the fly. He also has many hardcover books that are internationally known! He has a simple way of explaining complex messages that are sure to brighten your day and help you grow as a person! Check out what he has to offer!

You will not be disappointed. Let me know if you get one of his books!

A Quick Note on Motivation

I think it is our job to figure out what motivates us and to surround ourselves with it. This is so different for everyone.

Here are some things that work for me.

Daily Checklist

This includes workouts, meals and water. I check off my meals, water, workouts just like I do when I complete a work task. That big red check makes me feel good and keeps my healthy lifestyle on track.

Workout Planning

I plan out my workouts 1 month in advance on a calendar. For me visually seeing what I am going to do that week or weeks to come makes me feel settled and confident.

Motivational Pictures

I take my Oxygen Magazine and cut out pictures of strong, healthy, beautiful women and put them in places in my house. I have one near my bed for when I wake up to remind myself of my goals. I have one on my fridge to remind myself to not over indulge.


I write out my goals once a week at least. Again, checking these off is an amazing feeling. What is an even cooler feeling is when I have found checklists from a year or two ago and realize my big dreams have come true! Never stop dreaming! No dream is too big! It’s all where you put your mind.

Surround yourself with like-minded individuals

If you aren’t there yet yourself think of people in your life that make you feel good and that anything is possible. Make a phone date with them once a week. Believe me, this works!

Focus on the Outcome

Some of us have big goals that may seem far away. Never focus on your current circumstance…only think about your end result. Feel grateful that you are on this path and know that you will reach every one of your goals. I hope this can inspire you to inspire yourself!

Task for Today

Today I want you to start Talking Nice to Yourself! Tell yourself how great you are! Make sure to tell yourself you CAN everyday!

Find out what motivates you. Try a few of my examples above and start making them a daily routine. Love yourself!

Here we go!

Have you missed any of the first 14 Tips? Here they are:


Tip #1 – How much water should I drink to be healthy?

Tip #2 – What to Eat for Breakfast – Eating Breakfast Made Easy

Tip #3 – How Often Should I Eat – No More Guessing

Tip #4 – Eating Before Bed – What to Avoid

Tip #5 – Processed Foods: Eliminate White Sugar and What Flour

Tip #6 – Stevia as a Sweetener: The Ultimate Sugar Substitute

Tip #7 – Fat Burning – Natural Metabolism Boosting

Tip #8 – How to Get Better Sleep – Sleep Better to Improve Your Health

Tip #9 – Supper: Healthy Dinner Ideas

Tip #10 – Sunless Tanning – Look and Feel Your Best

Tip #11 – Natural Body Butter – Reducing Stretch Marks

Tip #12 – Journaling Will Help You Lose Weight

Tip #13 – Healthy Eating: How to Have a Treat

Tip #14 – HIIT – High Intensity Interval Training

Reminder: Drink 2.5L of water today!

Amy Layne is a Personal Trainer, Holistic Nutritionist and Lifestyle Expert at DAMY Health. She is the creator of the popular DAMY Method Program and world famous Bikini Body Program. To see Amy’s Before and After Photos and DAMY Member Success Stories Click Here.

Connect with Amy on Twitter @damyhealth and on Facebook.

P.S. Did you arrive here via Stumbleupon? This tip is number 15 of a 31 part free email course called 31 Tips to a Healthier You on how to improve your health and jumpstart your weight loss one day at a time. Learn more about it by signing up here.

*Please be sure to consult a physician before embarking on any weight loss program. These tips are meant to be part of a healthy lifestyle and are not in any way meant to cure disease.