Thank you to all you beautiful Angels who spread my DAMY Health message daily. Thank you to each of you who share my pictures and posts, “like” my recipe pictures, tell a friend, PIN my recipe pics, tweet and direct others to my website.
You are all beautiful messengers of my heart’s message. Please know that your support of my passion/mission in life is creating support for your mission.
Give energy and support to what you want to see more of in this world. Keep uplifting and supporting those who inspire you. Help them share their message.
All the support you give others you will receive. #getwhatyougive #uplift #womeninpower #supportsisters
Celebrate Greatness, Joy and Success
It is impossible to hold someone else back by your gossip, jealousy and lack of public celebration of that person. What you are really doing when you participate in this behavior is holding yourself back. Celebrate other’s greatness, joy and success. You are sure to create some of your own 🙂
A am ready
How to Not Take Things Personally
“Good People Bring Out The Good In People”
Take the leap and have Faith 🙂
Take 10 minutes today to be still and go within 🙂 #meditation #love #peace
We all know “haters gonna hate” but do you know what’s more important…
I swear the healthier/happier I am the more blue my eyes become. #damyhealth #eatclean #mediate #love #nature
When you are still an instant
#ACIM #onlyloveisreal
Have a real-food fridge?
I want to see it! Share your picture w/ me on twitter or instagram using the #s #damyhealth and #realfood – cant wait to see your pics:)
Head into dream-land tonight after you repeat this to yourself a few times. Take a deep breathe in….”this is my year” and breathe it out.
I have a beautiful secret….. I Am a gift from God….And YOU are too 🙂