Epi 133: How belief and self-esteem can improve weight loss

Epi 133: How belief and self-esteem can improve weight loss

In today’s show we discuss the power of staying positive along a weight loss journey. It is important and extremely beneficial. We discuss why and how to accomplish it. Can you build positivity and change from a “half-empty” person to a...
Light Up Your Struggle

Light Up Your Struggle

We share our struggles not for sympathy but for strength and hope. When we are honest and open about the challenges in our lives we shine light on the dark. We gently remind others that we are all facing a private struggle. We become a symbol of hope for those who...
How to Stay Centered in Daily Chaos  – A Natural Health Guide

How to Stay Centered in Daily Chaos – A Natural Health Guide

I travel on Vancouver transit every single day and live in an industrial neighborhood. Our closest woodsy area is a 15 min drive away. Living in the “mental and electric chatter” of a city can make a person miserable. This effect is multiplied by our...
Healthy Chocolate Fudge Oat Bars

Healthy Chocolate Fudge Oat Bars

The weather this week has been dark and drizzly here in Vancouver so I took full advantage and started with creating some Fall recipes. First up – my Healthy Chocolate Fudge Oat Bars. I’m really sad to see Summer go this year but at the same time Fall...
Natural Treatments for Mild and Moderate Depression #AskDrDuizer

Natural Treatments for Mild and Moderate Depression #AskDrDuizer

Who doesn’t know someone suffering with depression? At some point in life most people go through it (especially the more mild version). Like most mental/emotional disturbance there are a range of causes and different levels of severity. The effectiveness of...
The Secret Morning Rituals for a Happy, Healthy and Successful Life

The Secret Morning Rituals for a Happy, Healthy and Successful Life

There is only one way to set your day up for success. There is only one way to ensure you get the start you need to feel good, be present and enjoy your day. That is to create and practice your ultimate morning routine. We have learned this the hard way here at DAMY....
How Facing Struggle With Gratitude Changed My Life

How Facing Struggle With Gratitude Changed My Life

Having gratitude for the journey helps you realize how strong you really are. Looking back on the most significant, stressful, strenuous challenges in our lives has been one of the most freeing experiences we have had. We have had ups and downs, have felt exhausted...
How I Look Younger Today Than I Did 7 Years Ago

How I Look Younger Today Than I Did 7 Years Ago

Renewing my passport has been a truly eye opening experience. I am aware of how much better my life feels everyday but this was kind of shocking to see. On the left is my picture from 7 years ago. I was 24, miserable, 30 pounds heavier, smoking on the weekends,...
How I Changed My Life – From Fear to Love

How I Changed My Life – From Fear to Love

Lately I have received an abundance of emails asking about how to live a more abundant, purpose-filled, content life. Many of these questions have actually come from people that have known me throughout my life journey from self-abuse to self-love. Below is a response...