Super Simple Vegan Supper Ideas

Super Simple Vegan Supper Ideas

I hope you are having a wonderful day today! 

 This article is about vegan supper options but you do not have to be vegan to enjoy them. You can all enjoy as many non-meat meals as you desire! If you choose to eat meat as your protein source you can also use these...
Spaghetti Squash Pasta with Roasted Red Pepper Cream

Spaghetti Squash Pasta with Roasted Red Pepper Cream

I’ve currently placed myself on a cleanse. Since the holidays I’ve noticed that wine has crept into my diet more than usual. I want to fix this as soon as possible. I don’t like to use any food or drink more than a balanced amount. So, I am shifting...
The 42 Best Healthy Fall Recipes

The 42 Best Healthy Fall Recipes

Fall is blowing by us! DAMY Members are deep into the Bikini Body Program. Everyone has their eye on the January 1st goal and I cannot wait to share the before and afters with you all. We all want Fall comfort food while still keeping our goals in mind. These recipes...
Pasta FREE Pasta!!! Say what????

Pasta FREE Pasta!!! Say what????

Spaghetti Squash Ok, I am in love! I just love it! Is you are craving carbs and the pasta comfort feeling look no further! It is so sweet, and fresh and delicious!!! I would choose this over pasta any day!  It is simple to make and can be dressed up like your...