Outwitting the Devil – Why You Should Read This Book

Outwitting the Devil – Why You Should Read This Book

This is my official first book club pick for 2016. I feel like I’m starting the DAMY Health Members Book Club off with a bang! Introducing Outwitting the Devil: The Secret to Freedom and Success by Napoleon Hill. Don’t be afraid of the title. By...
The Best Sources of Plant Based Iron

The Best Sources of Plant Based Iron

I have wanted to write about the best sources of plant based iron for a while now. There is a common misconception that you need to eat meat to reach adequate iron levels. In reality on average meat eaters suffer from equal rates of iron deficiency compared with...
How to Break Free From Toxic Relationships

How to Break Free From Toxic Relationships

Today I was triggered by an old relationship pattern. I was hurt and frustrated. I found myself (once again) trying to get love, support and friendship from one source that is unwilling to give it to me freely. I, at the same time, was blocking all the other sources...
How being jealous blocks your good

How being jealous blocks your good

I have, in the past, found myself feeling frustrated and angry from comparing my journey to others’. I would see others’ experiencing (what I perceived) as a smoother journey to health, weight loss, love, relationships, financial security, business...
How to Have a Healthy and Successful Thanksgiving

How to Have a Healthy and Successful Thanksgiving

*This fantastic Thanksgiving resource is for our Canadian Members this weekend. This email will be sent out again for all our American Members prior to the American Thanksgiving. Welcome to our Thanksgiving/Holiday Season Survival Guide. Yes, you can make it through...
Blueberry Beet Booster – Energy Smoothie

Blueberry Beet Booster – Energy Smoothie

If you may have noticed the last couple weeks I have been heavy on the smoothies. This is due to me tightening up my summer habits and focusing on my Fall goals. I am firmly on the Bikini Body Program all the time as a way of life but in the summer I find that more...
7 Ridiculously Easy Things All Healthy People Do

7 Ridiculously Easy Things All Healthy People Do

In long term health and wellness it’s the simple things. It really is. Minor changes can literally transform your health over time. Amy taught me this in 2008 when we decided to give up all animal protein/products (except fish and eggs for me) for good. I...
What are Vitamin IVs and should I consider getting one?

What are Vitamin IVs and should I consider getting one?

I am passionate about holistic health. I am extremely passionate about eating whole, natural foods, living a balanced lifestyle, reducing stress as much as possible and connecting with nature. In my personal life I like to keep things as simple as possible. As ironic...