Welcome to our super fun annual lets get Hot for the Holiday Challenge!

One of my passions has always been changing the perception or ‘negative’ notions around certain times of the year and making them fantastic.

For myself and many others the Holidays and leading up to seemed like a time of just throwing my hands up and saying “well, this is going to be horrible, I am going to get fat and it’s going to be so stressful.” I was in a mind-set that the Holidays had control over me like they were some sort of power.

It’s so silly now looking back on it.

I, myself, years ago took control of how I handled the Holiday Season. I decided that it was going to be a wonderful time of year, I was going to be fully in control of how I ate, felt, looked and enjoyed the season. I want to pass this gift along to you.

This is the path I followed leading up to my first Holiday Season that I took full ownership of and I have been doing it ever since.

For the last 4 years I have invited my community with me on this annual journey and the results have been stunning.

Not only are you going to pick out a hot little black dress, you are going to place it somewhere where you can see it daily, you are going to recommit or amp up your commitment to your DAMY Health workouts, eating and mindset (ie. follow your DAMY Health Online Program/Dailies), you are going to feel empowered and happy this Holiday Season. And just by creating a more abundant life by doing the above you will also get a chance at winning some cash!

So, in short, you are going to buy an awesome Little Black Dress (or one that has been tucked into the back of your closet), wear it to a Holiday Party or event, have your picture taken, look stunning and have a chance to win.

What do I have to do to be included in the Little Black Dress Challenge?

Be an active member of a DAMY Health Program (Bikini Body, DAMY Method or Lifestyle Membership) until January 5th, 2015. You must have an active membership during this period to be included.

You must be a member on or before December 1st, 2014. This is for you as much as it is for others. You need the time to create results.

Click here for more info and to join the Little Black Dress Challenge.

Holiday Survival Guide FLAT SHEET 2014

What is the Healthy Holiday Survival Guide?

Included with the Little Black Dress Challenge is the DAMY Health Healthy Holiday Survival Guide.

This is your Complete Healthy Holiday Survival Guide! In this DAMY Health eBook you will find everything you could possibly need to make this Holiday Season your healthiest and happiest yet.

Using the Healthy Holiday Survival Guide in conjunction with your DAMY Online Program you will have unprecedented success! This is your simple guide to lean down, feel vibrant, sexy and in-control this Holiday Season.

Here’s a sneak peek of what all is included in the Healthy Holiday Survival Guide:

  1. Amy’s Holiday Slim Down Secrets, Tips and Tricks
  2. 7-Day Sexy Little Black Dress Lean Down Plan
  3. A Healthy Holiday’s Top Challenges – Solved!
  4. Sexy Little Black Dress Challenge Details and Giveaway
  5. The Secrets to Holiday Motivation & Inspiration
  6. How to Accelerate your Program
  7. PLUS – All our best Holiday Recipes, Travel Advice, Party, Vacation and Socializing Tips and Tricks

Am I included in the Little Black Dress Challenge?

As long as you are a member of a DAMY Health Program from now until January 5th, 2015 you will have access to the Healthy Holiday Survival Guide and the Little Black Dress Challenge.

What is the prize for the Little Black Dress Challenge?

One of three available $100 Gift Cards to use for anything that makes your heart sing!

When should I buy my Little Black Dress?

This week! Remember it doesn’t have to be new either. There are a ton of us who have just a bit snug fitting little black dresses in our closet that would be perfect for the goal.

Once you buy your dress place it on a hanger somewhere in your room where you can see it daily. Adding this visual to your goal will add motivation and make it more real.

Again, the dress just has to be something that makes you feel amazing.

When do I have to join to be included?

Before December 1st, 2014. The more time you have on our program the better your results are going to be. I highly suggest being on a DAMY Health Program within the next 2 weeks.

What do I have to do to make sure I am included in the draw?

You will receive an email from us the last week of December prompting you to send us a picture in your Little Black Dress. Simple.

Hopefully you will be wearing your little black dress to a Holiday party or event. Make sure to have someone snap a picture of you so will have it to send in.

How will the winners be chosen?

Everyone who submits a photo of themselves in their little black dress will be placed into a random name generator and three winners will be chosen.

The winners will be announced via the DAMY Blog, Facebook Page and Newsletter on January 6th, 2015.

Little Black Dress Challenge Weekly Emails

On Wednesdays you will be receiving emails specific to the Little Black Dress Challenge and links to a special section of the DAMY Members Only Forum where I will be checking in and sharing about my journey on the Little Black Dress Challenge this season. Full details to come in your first Wednesday Little Black Dress Challenge email (***This is for current DAMY Members Only – to join a program or renew your Lifestyle Membership click here).

Click here for more info and to join the Little Black Dress Challenge.

Holiday Survival Header Email 2014

Amy Layne is the Co-Owner of DAMY Health Online and Coach Specializing in Holistic Nutrition, Fitness, Self-Love, Inspiration and Living Your Best Life. She is the creator of the world famous DAMY Method and Bikini Body Programs. To see Amy’s Before and After Photos and DAMY Member Success Stories Click Here. For Amy’s complete story go

Connect with Amy on Twitter @damyhealth and on Facebook.