How Often Should I Eat – No More Guessing

Today’s lesson will teach you how often you should eat to lose weight. There are many factors to a healthy diet and lifestyle. That is why here at DAMY we have created a Free E-Course to help you learn the basics of losing weight. To sign up for these amazing tips click here.

At DAMY we recommend eating 5-6 small meals per day! We have found that consuming small meals every 2-3 hours has been the most successful for healthy weight loss. These meals should consist of mostly vegetables and clean protein sources such as lean meats and fish. Don’t forget to eat 100% whole grains at least 2 times per day.

Eating this often keeps your body in a high metabolism ‘burning-mode’ all day long. This also provides you with the energy you need to keep up an active lifestyle. Eating 6 meals a day (small meals and low-glycemic) keeps your blood sugars stable and your energy consistent. Try it out today. You will love how you feel!

Your 6 Meal Per Day Schedule

Here is an example of what times you may eat during the day. This works best for someone working a 8-4 or 9-5 work or school schedule but it can also be applied to other more unorthodox schedules.

  • Breakfast – 7 am
  • Snack – 10 am
  • Lunch – Noon
  • Snack – 3 pm
  • Supper – 6 pm
  • Snack (if needed) – 9 pm

Only eat the 9 pm snack if you have to. For this snack stay away from fruits, grains, or other carbohydrates. You don’t need the extra energy at that time of night. What you may need at that time of night is a healthy protein source such as lean chicken or a protein shake. The protein will help your muscles recover from any exercise/workout you may have had that day.

Why Should I Eat 6 Meals Per Day?

Here is the thing about us, as humans, we over-consume! We need to cut it out! The best way to do this is to eat 5-6 small meals per day! We have been brain-washed to think that eating is a form of entertainment or a form of comfort.

The ONLY reason we need to eat is to fulfill the energy requirements of our bodies. One thing I have to stress to people is to eat on purpose. Eat for a purpose and understand what that purpose is. It is the same as putting gas in the tank. Start looking at food as fuel.

How to Eat 6 Meals a Day

Eating 6 meals a day seems like a daunting task. It’s not! Anyone can do it if they have the right tools. Stay prepared and recognize that fueling your body is one of the most important parts of your day. Take today’s tip to heart. Don’t ever question again how often should you eat. Know that you need 6 meals and then get prepared…

Here’s how it’s done!

  • Prepare, prepare, prepare! Prepare as many meals in advance as you can! Make 1 hour on Sunday night your prep time. Get as many lunches together as you can and make enough of this breakfast meal for the week.
  • Keep it simple! Don’t get too fancy with any of your meals. The more basic your meals the easier and quicker they are too make.
  • Pack a cooler! The cooler is your best friend for travel! Always pack a cooler if you are going to be out of your house for 8 hours or longer. You don’t want to get stuck out of the house with no healthy options available.
  • Make extra for supper the night before. Always make 1 or 2 extra supper portions. These make great lunches for the next day!

Travel Food List: 

These are foods you can easily pack with you when traveling. Gather them into small containers and place them in the fridge. When it’s time to put your snacks together for the day all you need to do is place your containers into your cooler! You are set.

  • Pre-portioned nuts, seeds, and dried fruit.
  • Any hard fruit (apples or pears)
  • Any fruit with a peel (grapefruit or orange)
  • Small containers of low-fat cottage cheese or low-fat yogurt
  • Small containers of nut butter (natural)
  • Lean protein cooked and wrapped in foil
  • Wraps
  • Ezekiel Bread
  • Canned Tuna (can opener)
  • Pre-portioned protein powder in small ziplocks
  • Hardboiled eggs
  • Pre-chopped veggies

What to Eat on the Road

Your number one go-to-meal while on the go (or in a bind for food) is a pre-mixed container or ziplock bag of dry quick oatmeal, ground flax, added scoop of protein powder and some dried fruit (unsweetened) like raisins, apricots, or cranberries. Wherever you are all you have to get is 1 cup of hot water. It’s simple and well-rounded.

Today’s Task – How Often Should You Eat

Today I want you to start focusing on consuming 5-6 small meals per day. Create a schedule that works for you and stick to it. Remember, you are eating for fuel. You are eating to energize your body for the day. Stop looking at food as a form of entertainment and start eating on purpose.

DRINK 2L of water today!

Amy Layne is a Personal Trainer, Holistic Nutritionist and Lifestyle Expert at DAMY Health. She is the creator of the popular DAMY Method Program and world famous Bikini Body Program. To see Amy’s Before and After Photos and DAMY Member Success Stories Click Here.

Connect with Amy on Twitter @damyhealth and on Facebook.

P.S. How did you get here? This tip is number 3 of a 31 part free email course called 31 Tips to a Healthier You on how to improve your health and jumpstart your weight loss one day at a time. Learn more about it by signing up here.

*Please be sure to consult a physician before embarking on any weight loss program. These tips are meant to be part of a healthy lifestyle and are not in any way meant to cure disease.