DAMY Member Laura’s Half Marathon Experience

DAMY Member Laura’s Half Marathon Experience

Here’s a little Sunday inspiration from long-time DAMY Member Laura! Since the moment Laura joined DAMY Health she was ready for a challenge and continually pushed herself. I’ve watched Laura move into who she really is. It has been a wonderful journey so...
1000 Women Empowered (and counting)

1000 Women Empowered (and counting)

Hi Everyone! My name is David and I am the technical support here at DAMY. Today is my day to hijack the blog!!! This is my chance to send a special message to Amy without her knowing. Please join me in celebrating Amy for an amazing accomplishment by reading below! I...
Health is our Greatest Wealth

Health is our Greatest Wealth

After a bliss filled weekend with Louise L. Hay, Cheryl Richardson, Dr. Wayne W. Dyer, Bruce Lipton and Marianne Williamson one thing is clear… Self-Love is number one. Number 2 – NOW is our time. We owe it to ourselves to make this life amazing. If you...
‘I’ve Fallen Off Track this Summer’ Syndrome

‘I’ve Fallen Off Track this Summer’ Syndrome

Hey Everyone, today I just wanted to touch base with you all. This post is literally directed to 95% of you (including myself!). Summer is nuts. Let’s just face it. There’s a lot going on and a lot more we’d rather be doing than staring at a...