How I dropped the baby weight – an interview with Amy Layne

How I dropped the baby weight – an interview with Amy Layne

I recently sat down with Amy to discuss how she’s gotten back to her regular routine post baby. Amy has been hyper focused on making her lifestyle conducive to always being lean and it has paid off in so many other areas of health. If you are pregnant, recently had a...
How Often Should You Weigh Yourself?

How Often Should You Weigh Yourself?

Whether you hop on the scale daily or haven’t seen a scale since you graduated high school, how often and when to weigh yourself are important parts of any journey towards weight loss. So many of us make the mistake of weighing ourselves at inappropriate times and...
How much weight can you lose in 7 Days?

How much weight can you lose in 7 Days?

How much weight can you lose in 7 Days? What can you really do in just 7 days? Well, you can really accomplish a lot. You can increase your energy, improve your digestion, improve your sleep cycles, your skin will begin to heal, lose excess water weight & bloat,...
Winter Holiday Countdown Sale

Winter Holiday Countdown Sale

With 10 weeks until the Christmas Holidays there is still time to get going with a DAMY Program and create some fabulous results for your Hot Holiday Outfits. Every year to get ready for the Holidays I do the Bikini Body Program. This has me feeling vibrant, healthy,...