5 Ways to Shift Negative Thinking Today

5 Ways to Shift Negative Thinking Today

Negativity is rampant in today’s world. Most watch the news and consider the stories we hear as the ‘norm’, are bombarded with stories online that give us no hope for humanity, haven’t dealt with painful personal situations and have an outlook...
How I Look Younger Today Than I Did 7 Years Ago

How I Look Younger Today Than I Did 7 Years Ago

Renewing my passport has been a truly eye opening experience. I am aware of how much better my life feels everyday but this was kind of shocking to see. On the left is my picture from 7 years ago. I was 24, miserable, 30 pounds heavier, smoking on the weekends,...
How to Ignite (and Maintain) Your Motivation

How to Ignite (and Maintain) Your Motivation

This week at DAMY Health I have been talking a lot with Members about certain “lies” we’re told by the world and ourselves for years that it is time to shake. One, is that motivation just comes to us one day filling us with this magical energy that...
Bliss Sprinkles & Love Glitter

Bliss Sprinkles & Love Glitter

Share, Pin, Tweet and spread these bliss sprinkles and love glitter on to everyone! We all hear what we need to at the perfect time. If you know you want to achieve something take the steps daily to create it. Do not spend a second of energy wishing you could achieve...
Weekly Sprinkles of Bliss

Weekly Sprinkles of Bliss

Take these sprinkles of bliss and let them uplift you. If you are drawn to a certain one that is the exact message you need! I hope these sprinkles make you feel good and remind you of your magnificence. Please Pin, Share, Tweet and spread the DAMY Love!...