Epi 13: Are cell phones making us anxious?

Epi 13: Are cell phones making us anxious?

Today we discuss if cell phones are safe for children or not. How to be satisfied with less fat and sugar with ease. We celebrate one country’s decision to stop selling ivory. Show notes and links for this episode can be found below.        ...
Epi 13: Are cell phones making us anxious?

Epi 10: Is sleep the new wonder drug?

In today’s episode we cover how to fall asleep faster and enjoy a deeper sleep. Restrictions around birth control are lifting in the United States. Women finally have easier access. Improving teens sleep makes them easier to deal with, helps with cognitive function...
Top Health Trends for 2016

Top Health Trends for 2016

This week all the news outlets have been promoting their predictions for top health trends of 2016. A variety of topics have been discussed ranging from very simple ideas, ideas that most of us would consider passé and out of the box (most-likely not going to happen)...
Love Sparks of the Week

Love Sparks of the Week

Chase feeling good first. Work to feel alive, healthy and vibrant. The outside manifestation of these things will follow. Have faith and be patient. The outward results take time to show up. Feel good now and let those results blossom.   Simple and True. Change...
Mind Sparks and Bliss Bites

Mind Sparks and Bliss Bites

Happy International Women’s Day! How fitting after yesterday on our Facebook Page 🙂 My hope and prayer is that women BE the change that is needed in the world. I pray all women NO MATTER WHAT only lift each other up. We live in a world where people can hid...