How was you weekend? I hope wonderful.

Part of my New Year’s Goals is to commit to enjoying my weekends. For the last 4 years I have worked every weekend. I decided that this year I am taking the weekends to re-new, re-fresh and enjoy my life. It is going well! This weekend was peaceful and fun.

As you may have seen I had a DAMY recipe in Oxygen Magazine in January! Well, over the weekend I found something great…

I have a recipe in the February issue too!!! I am so thrilled. And there is a little picture of me 🙂

One of my goals when I set out years ago was to get into Oxygen Magazine. So to be in twice in the first 2 issues of 2013 is a great feeling. Make sure to go get yours today!


Are you on Instagram, Pinterest or Twitter? Well I am! Check out these links to find me: InstagramPinterestTwitter

I would love to connect with you all on any of those social networks!

On Instagram this weekend I shared this picture. It is of my “can’t-live-without meal/snack.” Fresh green veggies, homemade hummus and David’s “the skinny” Tea.

What is your favourite meal/snack? Leave it in the comments below.

Also, my Mom who lives on the East Coast was feeling under the weather this weekend due to a nasty flu. We decided to cheer her up by attempting a “family photo”. Lets just say this turned interesting and very funny.

In the photo below you will see B is growling at the image of herself in the camera lens. The whole thing was too funny. The great news is my Mom loved the picture.

I hope you had a weekend that felt great.

What does your perfect weekend look like to you?


Amy Layne is a Personal Trainer, Holistic Nutritionist and Lifestyle Expert at DAMY Health. She is the creator of the popular DAMY Method Program and world famous Bikini Body Program. To see Amy’s Before and After Photos and DAMY Member Success Stories Click Here. For Amy’s complete story go

Connect with Amy on Twitter @damyhealth and on Facebook.