My Favorite Cookie Recipes for the Holiday Season

My Favorite Cookie Recipes for the Holiday Season

The holidays are the time for cookies to shine. This is most definitely their time of year. I wanted to just do up a quick round up of my favourite cookie recipes that I have created over the years. All the recipes are gluten free, grain free, dairy free and vegan....
The Top 10 Healthy Rebel App Secret Avocado Recipes

The Top 10 Healthy Rebel App Secret Avocado Recipes

This week was a very exciting week with the successful launch of The Healthy Rebel App! In celebration of the success of the app I wanted to do an updated “Secret Avocado” Recipe Round Up. I adore using avocados in unique ways. I’ve used them to...
The Best Skinny Key Lime Recipes Ever

The Best Skinny Key Lime Recipes Ever

NOTE: Simply click the photos below to view the recipes. I love using lime in recipes. The flavor is delicious, the smell is refreshing and it reminds me of summer no matter what time of year it is. The wonderful thing about using lime in the winter aside from the...
20 Awesome Healthy Appetizer Recipes

20 Awesome Healthy Appetizer Recipes

Please Note: Simply click on the photos listed below to view the recipes. With the Holidays and Holiday celebrations happening in the next couple of weeks I wanted to give you some healthy appetizer and snack options. For many of us this is a time of entertaining...
The Best Secretly Healthy Fall Dessert Recipes

The Best Secretly Healthy Fall Dessert Recipes

NOTE: Simply click the photos below to view the recipes. I can’t believe I’m going to say this but I’m looking forward to Fall. Summer makes me a boring eater, period. Which makes me a boring blogger when it comes to creative recipes. In the summer I...
The Best Healthy Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Recipes Ever

The Best Healthy Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Recipes Ever

NOTE: Please click the recipe photos below to view the recipes. Everybody loves cookie dough. Chocolate chip cookie dough seems to be something that constantly comes up for me when I’m thinking of treat recipes and every time I create a chocolate chip cookie...
The Best Healthy Fudge Recipes

The Best Healthy Fudge Recipes

Note: Simply click on the pictures below to view the recipes. Like when talking about my raw vegan caramels fudge is a food that I no longer indulge in since being aware of certain ingredients and how they react in my body. That is, fudge that is mass produced or...
9 Unique Quinoa Recipes for Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner & Dessert

9 Unique Quinoa Recipes for Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner & Dessert

Note: Please click the photos below to view the recipes. Quinoa has recently gained a lot of buzz. It has been called the new “superfood”. Here at DAMY Health we love quinoa for a few reasons: It is a healthy carbohydrate that is higher in protein. It is...