Laughter, Inspiration and Love – Take what you need

Laughter, Inspiration and Love – Take what you need

It is officially 12 weeks away from until my Christmas Holiday Vacation. I can not believe it! Time flies! I love knowing I will be ready to look lean, radiant and confident in my little black dress. After years of dreading Holidays and events I have mastered the art...
How to Ignite (and Maintain) Your Motivation

How to Ignite (and Maintain) Your Motivation

This week at DAMY Health I have been talking a lot with Members about certain “lies” we’re told by the world and ourselves for years that it is time to shake. One, is that motivation just comes to us one day filling us with this magical energy that...
DAMY Sprinkles of Love :)

DAMY Sprinkles of Love :)

It’s an amazing feeling when you have the realization that past dreams or hopes didn’t come true for you because you were dreaming too small. There was something, bigger, better, brighter out there with your name on it. As I look over the last few years...
A Peek at Our Simple and Splendid Weekend

A Peek at Our Simple and Splendid Weekend

This weekend we took off for some nature and peace on Salt Spring Island, BC. This is one of our favourite places to go when we need to refocus and remember what really matters. On Salt Spring we always opt to stay in a rustic cabin. There is just something about...