My Wish For You This Year

My Wish For You This Year

Every new years eve my husband and I write out our desires for the new year. I also write out my wishes for my DAMY Health Community Members. My wish for you this year is simple, yet powerful. When I was younger I hated my super white skin. All the women I considered...
How I Look Younger Today Than I Did 7 Years Ago

How I Look Younger Today Than I Did 7 Years Ago

Renewing my passport has been a truly eye opening experience. I am aware of how much better my life feels everyday but this was kind of shocking to see. On the left is my picture from 7 years ago. I was 24, miserable, 30 pounds heavier, smoking on the weekends,...
Simple Steps to Self-Love and Balance

Simple Steps to Self-Love and Balance

I adore working with women from all over the world! I love that we all have our own goals and ideas of what is our “best self”. When it comes to healthy eating and working out we all have different ideas of what type of body consistency we would like to...
Weekend Round Up, David’s Tea and Oxygen Magazine News

Weekend Round Up, David’s Tea and Oxygen Magazine News

How was you weekend? I hope wonderful. Part of my New Year’s Goals is to commit to enjoying my weekends. For the last 4 years I have worked every weekend. I decided that this year I am taking the weekends to re-new, re-fresh and enjoy my life. It is going well!...
How to Meditate

How to Meditate

Meditation helps to get to know who you really are on the inside.  It involves 15-30 minutes of alone time a day.  For many, this is their only alone time of the day!  It gives you the time to organize your thoughts and direct your focus for the day!  This is when you...
How to Meditate

My Story

Okay so I thought I would formally introduce myself by telling my story! I grew up in Amherst, NS, Canada and currently live in British Columbia. As a kid I was involved in every sport I could get into. I played hockey, baseball, track, softball, cross country, and...