Welcome to Day 3 of our “10 Healthy Holiday Recipes a Day for 10 Days from DAMY Health.” I’m having so much fun picking and sharing all of my best recipes! I hope you are all enjoying them and getting great ideas for the Holiday Season.
I’m having even more fun doing the photos for each post. It is so neat to see all my recipes together in one photo.
Miss Day 1 and 2? Check them out here:
Make sure to Pin this photo above, share on Twitter and Facebook! We want everyone to have a Happy, Healthy Holiday!
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Click on the title to see the recipe:
Egg Nog Almond Joy Blizzard
Clean Eating Coconut Macaroons
Skinny 2 Bite Cheesecakes
Raw Vegan Nanaimo Bars
Ginger Snap Cookies with Pumpkin Cheesecake Butter Cream
Raw Vegan Stuffed Cucumbers
Clean Chocolate Mint Patties
Coconut Whipped Cream
Healthy Chocolate Chip Cookies (gluten-free/high fiber)
Clean Eating Chocolate Mint Fudge