What to do when negative opinions are weighing you down

What to do when negative opinions are weighing you down

“Opinion is our estimate of reality” This is so important to remember when dealing with others “unsolicited opinions”. They are nothing more than a projection of their beliefs about life. It is life through their personal looking glass. It has...
My Wish For You This Year

My Wish For You This Year

Every new years eve my husband and I write out our desires for the new year. I also write out my wishes for my DAMY Health Community Members. My wish for you this year is simple, yet powerful. When I was younger I hated my super white skin. All the women I considered...
The Number One Lie Women Are Told

The Number One Lie Women Are Told

We have been told a lot of lies by the world and one main one is that women are only valuable when they are young. As we age we almost feel like we have failed due to the natural aging process. This is insane thinking that has been sold to us via media, horror...
Simple Steps to Self-Love and Balance

Simple Steps to Self-Love and Balance

I adore working with women from all over the world! I love that we all have our own goals and ideas of what is our “best self”. When it comes to healthy eating and working out we all have different ideas of what type of body consistency we would like to...