How I dropped the baby weight – an interview with Amy Layne

How I dropped the baby weight – an interview with Amy Layne

I recently sat down with Amy to discuss how she’s gotten back to her regular routine post baby. Amy has been hyper focused on making her lifestyle conducive to always being lean and it has paid off in so many other areas of health. If you are pregnant, recently had a...
What I learned in 2016 – Amy Layne Edition

What I learned in 2016 – Amy Layne Edition

1. Good can happen that I don’t have to actively force In my life the things that feel the best have been created by my hard work and sacrifice. I have never really had something just happen that felt so amazing as having my daughter. Something that is such a huge...
How to get what you want in 2017

How to get what you want in 2017

2017 for me, is all about living in the moment. Being present, grateful, really with the people I am with, working while I am working and playing while I am playing. I want to master being here, where I am fully. I also want to release all my needs for comparison with...
What to do when negative opinions are weighing you down

What to do when negative opinions are weighing you down

“Opinion is our estimate of reality” This is so important to remember when dealing with others “unsolicited opinions”. They are nothing more than a projection of their beliefs about life. It is life through their personal looking glass. It has...
Outwitting the Devil – Why You Should Read This Book

Outwitting the Devil – Why You Should Read This Book

This is my official first book club pick for 2016. I feel like I’m starting the DAMY Health Members Book Club off with a bang! Introducing Outwitting the Devil: The Secret to Freedom and Success by Napoleon Hill. Don’t be afraid of the title. By...
Light Up Your Struggle

Light Up Your Struggle

We share our struggles not for sympathy but for strength and hope. When we are honest and open about the challenges in our lives we shine light on the dark. We gently remind others that we are all facing a private struggle. We become a symbol of hope for those who...
The Fastest Way to Look & Feel Amazing for the Holidays

The Fastest Way to Look & Feel Amazing for the Holidays

Before I get into the fastest way to look and feel amazing for the holidays with all my best secrets, tips and tricks I want to make one disclaimer. The ultimate way to glow from the inside out, look and feel lean is to create real, lasting, sustainable lifestyle...
How to Break Free From Toxic Relationships

How to Break Free From Toxic Relationships

Today I was triggered by an old relationship pattern. I was hurt and frustrated. I found myself (once again) trying to get love, support and friendship from one source that is unwilling to give it to me freely. I, at the same time, was blocking all the other sources...
How being jealous blocks your good

How being jealous blocks your good

I have, in the past, found myself feeling frustrated and angry from comparing my journey to others’. I would see others’ experiencing (what I perceived) as a smoother journey to health, weight loss, love, relationships, financial security, business...
How to Start a Weight Loss Journey When the Goal Seems Too Big

How to Start a Weight Loss Journey When the Goal Seems Too Big

For many of us when starting a new lifestyle the goal can look too big, too far away, too hard to get to. This thinking loop can stall us from even starting on our way to our goals. This is the biggest lie we feed ourselves and all it does is keep us from moving...